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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《实地访谈中研究者与被访者的关系:女性主义视角的启示》,欢迎阅读!



【期刊名称】《江苏行政学院学报》 【年(),期】2005()3

【摘 要】Field research is important for sociologists’ acquiring experience and knowledge and is often taken by them in their research. In this issue, several scholars are invited to discuss about some key problems

concerning approaches to field research from various angles and levels. Dr. Li Guowu holds that field research is not only a kind of technological activity but also a kind of social practice. During the practice period of field research, the researchers should make use of their capital to establish a kind of social exchange relationship with the respondents. Dr. Liu Neng proposes the methodology of "first qualitative and then quantitive" in his research of rural consumption. Dr. Sun Long, with his own experience of the research, probes into the application of focus team method in the organizational research. Dr. Fan Huanhuan, from her feminist point of view, analyzes the relationship between researchers and interviewees in field interview. Of course, all of these are the authors’ own opinions. More scholars are welcome to participate in the discussion so as to improve the understanding and aplication of approaches to field research. 【总页数】5(P71-75)

【关键词】女性主义视角;研究者;访谈;男权中心;研究模式;自然主义;实证主义;伦理困境;研究原则 【作 者】樊欢欢

【作者单位】中央财经大学社会学 【正文语种】

【中图分类】D731.381;G212.2 【相关文献】

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