冀教版英语三年级下册Lesson 12 The Clever Monkey(教学设计)

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lesson12 The Clever Monkey

教学目标:掌握clever bad nice

能力目标:通过情景表演感知故事 wolf sheep and monkey 之间发生


教学重点:学生能在图片和教师的帮助下读懂,表演故事。 教学过程:

一.Greet with the students. 二. Review.

复习方位词in, on, under , 动物的名称; sheep, monkey, wolf. Give word card questions?

What is thisIs this a _______ or a _______?

Where is the __________? Is the _________ in the _________? 三、New Concept 1. Greeting.

T: Hello class! Ss: Hello Miss Wang. 学习新单词 clever bad nice

Play the tape with read and understand the meaning of these words 2. 出示图片Discuss the picture

T: What can you see? Do you like the picture? Use images let students see three heroines.

3. See illustrations, guess storyline, let students discuss monkeys, sheep and Wolf between what happened.

4. Let the students say he think the story is what

5. The teacher read each painting of sentences, the explanation is next to mean 6.领读。 7. practice in pairs

8. Discuss story :提出 How does the sheep help the wolf ? What does the monkey do? Act out the part of the story you like.


8. Homework 画一幅他们认为下一步会发生什么情况的图画。 7.板书:

Lesson 12 The Clever Monkey clever bad nice

