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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《初中英语直通中考-单词、短语大闯关》,欢迎阅读!



【考例1】—Hi, Tony. The milk shake good! Im glad you like it. (2009年,山东济南)

A. sounds B. falls C. goes D. tastes

【简析】D。主语为the milk shake,故对应的系动词要用taste,意为“尝起来”。 【考点2】考查反身代词。

【考例2】—What a big cake! Where was it bought? My mother made it by . (2009年,浙江金华)

A. itself B. myself C. himself D. herself 【简析】D。和my mother对应的反身代词应为herself 【考点3】考查副词辨析。

【考例3I dont know what her interests are, because we talk about work when we meet (2009年,天津)

A. luckily B. safely C. mainly D. clearly



【考例4Silence, please, class. Were going to have a math test in this class. Now I am going to give your test papers. (2009年,湖北襄樊)

A. out B. over C. up D. back

【简析】Agive out意为“分发”;give over意为“住手,闭嘴”;give up意为“放弃”;give back意为“归还”。

【考点5】考查短语动词take after

【考例5】—Is the girl really that womans daughter? She doesnt her at all. But sure she is. She looks like her father. (2009年,山西太原) A. take after B. look after C. run after

【简析】Atake after意为“长得像”;look after意为“照顾”;run after意为“追赶”。根据句意“她长得一点也不像她母亲”,故选A

【考点6】考查短语动词come out

【考例6】—Will his new novel in September this year? Yes, we are all looking forward to it. (2009年,江苏连云港) A. come over B. come back C. come out D. come from

【简析】Ccome over意为“顺便来访”;come back意为“回来”;come out意为“出版;开花”;come from意为“来自”。

【考点7】考查短语动词give up

【考例7Its a difficult timebut we will never hope. (2009年广西南宁) A. care about B. pick up C. think about D. give up

【简析】D。根据句意“现在是困难时期,但是我们从未放弃希望”。care about意为“担心,关心”;pick up意为“拾起,捡起”;think about意为“考虑”;give up意为“放弃”,故选D

【考点8】考查短语动词look up

【考例8】—Dear, what time is the flight to Beijing on Saturday?

Wait a minute. Let me in the schedule(时刻表). (2009年,山东)

A. look at it B. look for it C. look after it D. look it up

【简析】Dlook at意为“看”;look for意为“寻找”;look after意为“照顾”;look up意为“查找”。根据题意“让我在时刻表里查找(星期六飞往北京的航班)时间”,故选D

【考点9】考查短语动词take it easy 【考例9】—Oh, I have lost my CD!

. Lets call the lostandfound first. (2009年,浙江绍兴) A. Dont shout B. Take it easy C. Forget it D. No chance

【简析】 B。由“Lets call the lostandfound first.”,可知是安慰对方“不着急”,故选B

【考点10】考查短语动词come up with

【考例10】—How is Pedro getting along with his work?

Well, he could always a new idea for interesting sales. (2009年,青海) A. come over B. come in C. come up with

【简析】Ccome over意为“过来,经过”;come in意为“进来”;come up with为“追赶上、想出、提出”。

