
2022-04-26 04:20:05   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《Sally三月份月考卷》,欢迎阅读!


一、 写出下列所给词的对应词:6分)

Cheaper heavier thick Young happy wet

二、 写出下列所给词的比较级:

Interesting thin happy Big beautiful new Fat

三、 连词成句:15分)

1the sun, or which bigger is the moon

2learn want interesting to something

3thick my and is big book

4are new how they

5hippo the big elephant the bigger is and is

6there the cupboard is one in sees then he

四、 单项选择:15分) 1()will it ()hot in Tianjin? Yes it will .

A be B am C is D are 2()do you eat four hamburgers? ()Because Im hungry.

A what B why C who D where 3Do you have ()brothers ()sisters? A a , or B any , or C a , and D any , and 4Tell me something()you.

A to B and C about D for

5Its time ()have breakfast whats ()breakfast ? A for , to B to , to C to , for D for , for 6How about ()to the lake ?

A go B goes C going D to go 7I can jump ()You can jump ()

A high , far B high , tall C far ,long D far , tall 8whats your house ()?Its big. A like B look like C look D is like

9Are these ()books , Nancy? Yes, they are () A your, my B your , mine C yours , my D yours , mine 10He is ()of ()friends.

A one , her B one , she C a , her D a , she 11Its () go to school

A time to B time for C to time D for time 12Would you coke something to eat ?

A Yes, I can B NO ,thanks C No , please D sorry, Im hungry

13Come and sit ()me. A by B in C on D to 14()big the cake is !

A Where B What C How D Which 15Help ()please.

A you B your C yourself D yours

五、 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空: 1The boy is tallin the class.

2The book is interestingof all 3Ill visitmy aunt tomorrow.

4My brother likeclogs very much 5She can dance wellthan other girls. 6Dont drinkin the computer room 7Lucy collectstamps every day So she is a good collect 8Tom is doaports now.

9How many goosecan you see in the picture ? 10 your best friend ?

A who B whos C whose D whom

六、 完形填空:

Nora was fifteen years old . she had a litter brother . His name was George. George was sometimes naughty , but he 1 Nora laugh a lot , and she loved him and she was always very nice 2 him.

One afternoon she was walking from her house to the shop when she saw a small boy 3 along the street towards her .He was going very fast . When he came near her , she was surprised to see it was George.

Hi , George , Nora shouted to him . 4 are you running like that ?

Jim didnt stop, but he waved to his sister and shouted, Im trying to stop two boys from 5 .

Nora was surprised again. She laughed and said , Thats 6 important job for a little boy , isnt it ? You dont do things like that very often . Who are the two boys ?

Theyre Bob and me , answered George as he went on running down the street very 7 .

1A let B wanted C helped D made 2A for B with C to D of

3A run B ran C running D to run 4A What B Why C How D When 5A fighting B fight C to fight D fought 6A a B an C the D /

7A faster B quick C slowly D quickly

七、 阅读理解:

My Colourful School Life

I am Li jie . Im a Chinese girl. I like my school better now . Do you know why ? Because I dont go to school too early .I dont have a lot of homework . Im happier .I like going to school.

We are happy at school . In the morning , we do morning exercises and dance on the playground . I am a good dancer .I have four friends .

They are good dancers ,too . In the afternoon , we go to the library, the playground and the computer room . I like the library best ,because we can read many books there and we can learn a lot from the books . I think storybooks are more interesting than others . I like them best. I am happy in my school now .Are you happy ?

(一)找出温中含有的形容词的比较级和最高级,用“ ”画出。 (二)根据短文内容,判断正(T 误(F 1Li Jie is a Chinese boy.

2Li Jie is happier and she likes her school better now . 3Li Jie and her friends are good dancers . 4Li Jie doesnt go to school too early .

5In the afternoon , they are in the classroom and do a lot of

homework .

6Li Jie likes English books best.

八、 写作:

Its spring now .Do you like spring ? Whats your favourite season ? 请以 My Favourite Season 为题写一篇作文, 描述一下你最喜欢的季节

