
2022-05-30 21:41:09   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《互联网作文》,欢迎阅读!

With the development of the society. We are entering the information times. It’s very necessary for us to use the internet in our daily life. But everything has two sides, especially for students.

On one hand, we can benefit a lot from the internet. For example, we can search information on it in order to improve our grades. We can also communicate with our friends on internet. By doing this, we can strengthen our friendship. And we can bordanour horsizen when surfing on the internet. So we can get a lot from it if we use it in a proper way. On the other hand, the internet can also has bad effect on us. It’s reported that some students failed on their exam because of playing games. If our self-control is poor, it’s easy for us to addicted to the internet. It’s very dangerous once we get involved in the network addition. So if we can’t control ourselves, the internet may do harm for us.

Everything has it’s own advantages and disadvantages. We can’t give up eating for fear of chocking. What we should do is to use it in a proper way. Only in this way can we make good use of it and benefit a lot from it.

