
2022-04-24 05:40:16   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《10.27作业》,欢迎阅读!

Homework October 27th

1. With the mid-term examination ________ (approach), the students are busy preparing ____ it.

2. ________ (sound) beautiful, the song becomes surprisingly popular.

3. Shakespeare’s play Hamlet __________into at least ten different films over the past years. (make)

4. People living in this district used to be pretty poor, however, there _______ a great change during the past 5 years. (be)

5. It is the third time you ________ late this week. (arrive)

6. I had hoped to take a holiday this year but I wasnt able to get _____ from work. 7. I arrived at the train station twenty minutes ago, but Betty ___________ up yet. (not turn)

8. At the last moment, Tom decided to a new character to make the story seem more likely.

A. put up B. put in C. put on D. put off

9.据报道屠呦呦赢得了诺贝尔医学奖。(翻译,两种说法,句中要体现完成时态) __________________________________________________

__________________________________________________ 诺贝尔医学 Nobel Prize in Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine 10. 我对我的生活非常满意。

