
2022-07-08 17:03:23   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《新学期新气象英语演讲稿》,欢迎阅读!



You will find the New Year is to highlight a "new" word? One year older, we start the next year's "new" life, forget the past life troubles and unpleasant, "New Year" to show the "new" self.

New Year's eve, every family to go shopping with them, to buy "new" clothes. Can't help but show a glimmer of happiness on the face, is relaxed, is pleasant. Everywhere is permeated with the joy.

New Year's day, many people working outside will back all the year round, the village head, unavoidably some more wait quietly looking

forward to the return of the care of, every car after make them excited, when people are looking forward to come back, but seem so overwhelmed. But in that kind of joy.

Village also broke the silence, old village, under the big pagoda tree of children with play together, have a melon seeds, the old man pulled homely, women. Everyone is happy, became a scenery line in the village.

New Year when every household will be conducting a thorough cleaning, to bring home something old change into "new" look. I like the feel of the whole family together the work of passion, you came to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, I sweep the floor, even if again

painstakingly again tired, also feel very sweet. Look at the "new" home, the in the mind will feel very comfortable and free.

New Year is, also is the spring, the spring of this year as a particularly warm, birds also early fly up to the branches, spring flowers are in full bloom, butterflies and bees.




小村也打破了往日的寂静,村外的大槐树下,有打闹玩耍的孩子,有嗑着瓜子、拉着家常的老人、妇女。大家都其乐融融,成了村里的一道风景线。 新年时家家户户都要进行一次彻底的大扫除,要把家里旧的东西换上“新’的面貌。我喜欢全家人一起热火朝天的干活的感觉,你贴春联来、我拖地,即使再苦再累,也会觉得很温馨。看着“崭新”的家,心里会觉得非常舒坦和塌实。 新年是,也是春天,今年的春天好像格外的暖和,小鸟也早早地飞上了枝头,春花也盛开了,蝴蝶、蜜蜂也来了。 新学期新气象英语演讲稿_2篇:

While, a holiday in the past, the new semester began, we ushered in a new semester. In this semester I want to make a plan for me, I must be better than last semester to the next level, my goal to keep rising. When it comes to study, I should be listening, shouldn't say don't speak, class don't talk to others, don't fidget in class, the teacher said a word the word input their brain. , I believe I will better and better in writing is like sesame flowering successively high. Careless and complacency has always been my biggest guest star, and I won

"miyoshi students" and "learning achievement award" a stumbling block, in this semester I want my old trouble corrected.

Mathematics has no difficulty for me, as long as listen carefully in class, and think much, even if difficult topics will also be I break one by one. Like language, my biggest enemy is careless, sometimes even a simple word write wrong, see question also not carefully, to see at a glance, wiped out all don't know, sometimes I really don't know how much my heart is rough, but I believe I will change.

In this semester, a new start, let us toward a "learning achievement award" and "miyoshi students," the goal of the launching, come on! Sprint





