法律英语基础词汇:material evidence

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法律英语基础词汇:material evidence

证据有人证与物证之分。"物证",顾名思义大概是"物质的证据"吧。于是就有人望文生义,把"物证"译为"material(物质的)evidence(证据)"了。 但是,从语言实践看,"物证"并不是什么"material evidence"而是"physical evidence":

1.On the other handpolice have never Or any physical evidence connecting him to confessed to--and later recanted.---Master Detectivefound a body the crimes he 2. The crime scene team located the knife used in the slaying along With some Of Hollands bloody clothing and other physical evidence.-True DetectiveMay 1989p.31如果不用"physical evidence",也可用"real evidence"表示"物证"如:

3.evidencereal.Known also asdemonstrativeandobjectiveevidence.That which is afforded by production and inspection of material objects.--L.B.Borazon,Dictionary of Law 4.Evidence.…。

The kinds of evidence usually produced are physical objectsreal evidencewritten statements and documentsdocumentary evidencetestimony of the parties personal evidenceand testimony of expert witnesses on the conclusions or inferences to be drawn from facts found by measurementtesting or other examinationexpert or opinion evidence --The Oxford Companion to Law那末,"material evidence"不是"物证"又是什么呢?请看:

5.material evidence 实质性证据,物证,对审理的事实有影响的证据--《英汉法律词典》其中的"物证"一解,显然是对"material"一词望文生义而误解其实质涵义的结果 --在这里,"material"并非什么"物质"!那么这个"material"在法律文字中的实质涵义又是什么呢?请看:

6.MATERIAL importantnecessaryRelating to a given mattergenerally speakingany evidence is relevant and material which tends to prove or disprove any ultimate issue.……

Steven H.GiftsLaw Dictionary据此,上引例5中的"物证"一义就被



7.Material evidence实质上的证据:主要证据--香港洪士豪:《英汉法律辞典新编》material evidence实质性证据--《英汉国际经济法律词汇》(中国对外翻译出版公司)

material evidence"的。"物证"在英语中常见的表达为"physical evidence"和"real evidence"以及"demonstrative evidence"和"objective evidence";偶尔也有用"autistics preference"的,但殊属罕见


