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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《3:50的英文怎么写》,欢迎阅读!


我们350分的时候学习英语,到了六点,能够学到多少个英语单词?下面是店铺给大家整理的3:50的英文怎么写,供大家参阅! 3:50的英文怎么写

1.three fifty (+) 2.ten to four(差十分到四点) 50分的英语例句

1. They appeared on the dot of 9.50 pm as always. 他们和往常一样在晚上950分准时出现。

2. They could end up with a 50-point winning margin. 他们最终可能会以50分的优势获胜。

3. The home side were all out for 50 in their second innings. 主队在第二局比赛中拿下50分。 4. The pass mark is set at 50 per cent. 合格分数设定为百分制的50分。

5. dividend payments of 50 cents a share 每股50分的股息支付

6. 50 runs were made in the first hour. 第一小时得50.

7. On each of my five letters is a 50 - fen " Chinese Local - Style Dwelling Houses'stamp.

每一封信上都有我贴的价值50分的 “ 中国民居”邮票.

8. By now, it's obvious he could score 50 whenever he wanted. 现在, 显然只要科比想拿到50分的话他都有能力做到.

9. T - Mac lookin good for the future, he will get 50 next game!

麦蒂 的未来会很好, 下场比赛他就可以拿50分了.

10. You'll leave Berlin at 10:30 and arrive in Munich at 12:50. 您将在1030分离开柏林,1250分抵达慕尼黑.

11. The government has decided to coin more 50 - cent pieces.


12. Great win. I rarely saw a blow out by 50 pts. 真是一场酣畅淋漓的胜利. 我很少看到50分大胜的比赛. 13. The first mail goes out at 7: 50 in the morning. 头班邮件早晨7 50 发出.

14. Can you supply thellos quality at approximately 50 % cents per meter?

请问你们是否能够提供这种质量的,约莫每米50%? 15. Flight number BA 4793 will arrive in London at 16.50. 英国航空公司4793号班机于1650分抵达伦敦. 3点的双语例句

1. We have tickets for the matinee, It'starts at 3 p.m. 我们有日场的票卖, 下午3点钟开始.

2. Mr. Yang, Mr. Kent will be here at 3 o'clock on Tuesday as you asked.

杨先生, 肯特先生将按你说的星期二下午3点钟来这里.

3. As usual, 3 PM, old Hawk is selling his fresh mackerel fishes by the dock.

下午3点钟, 象往常一样, 老霍克在码头兜售他的新鲜鲭鱼. 4. Gann was careful to write 3 a.m. on the farewell note. 江恩非常仔细的在辞别信上写上了凌晨3点钟.

5. The postman is going to come for the parcels around 3 pm. 邮递员会在大概下午3点钟的时候来送包裹.

6. Recommend you could get to airport by bus at 3 o & # 039 ; clock.

建议您可搭 3 钟的巴士到机场.

7. At about 3 AM, I was drunk as a skunk. 大约半夜3点钟, 我像个酒鬼一样喝地烂醉.

