教案。That monkey is fat

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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《教案。That monkey is fat》,欢迎阅读!

Teaching contents:Module2 Unit2 That monkey is fat.(1课时) Teaching aims Knowledge aims:

1.Enable Ss to listen and say the words and text. 2.Enable Ss to master the words and text. Ability aims:

1.Develop Ss abilities of listening and speaking. 2.Develop Ss ability of communication. Emotion aims:

1.Help Ss to establish their good study habits of learning English. 2.Develop Ss interest in learning English. Teaching importance:

1. Enable Ss to master the words and text. Teaching difficulty:

1.Enable Ss to use the words and text in their daily life. Teaching methods:

Situational teaching method3P teaching method Teaching procedures: Step1 Warm up 1.Greeting 2.Sing the song Step2 Revision 1.Review the text

Read the text together. Ask some Ss to act the text.

2.Review the wordbigandsmall

T:Look here,theyre pandas.Its small.And its big.(show the PPT and do the action)

T:This is a small hand,and thid is a big hand. 3. Review the wordfat

T:Look,this panda is fat,and this monkey is thin.(do the action) Step3 Presentation &Practice 1.Teach the wordthin

T:This monkey is thin. (show the PPT and do the action) Practice:Ask Ss to read the word together. 2.Teach the wordtallandshort

T:I need one student come here,who can try?Look,Im tall,and she/he is short. Practice:Ask Ss to read the words together. Ask four groups to read the words. 3.Teach the sentenceThis……is……

Practice:Ask Ss to describe the panda together. Ask some Ss to describe the panda. 4.Teach the wordtree

T:Look here,whats this?(draw the tree on the blackboard)

Practice:Ask Ss to read the word togther. 5.Teach the text

Listen to the text.

Teach the phraselook at Practice:Ask Ss to read the phrase. Read the text together.

Read the text group by group. Ask some Ssto read it. Step4 Consolidation 1.Teach the chant.

T:Listen to me,clap your hands.

2.Review the dialogueWhat are they?Theyre……Theyre…… 3.Ask some Ss to act the dialogue.

4.Do the exercise:Listen and circle the correct word. Step5 Homework Blackboard design:

Unit2 That monkey is fat. What are they?


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