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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《人类类别的常用英语单词》,欢迎阅读!




1).human n.人,人类 adj.人类的

Historically, the war between nature and humans has never stopped.

历史卜,人与自然之问的战争从未停止过。 2).person n.

No person would dawdle in the street on such a cold winter night.

在这样寒冷的冬夜没有人会在街上闲逛。 3).individual n.个人 adj.个别的

The privacy of the individual should be respected in a civilized society.

在一个文明的社会,个人的隐私应当受到尊重。 4).age n.年龄

She looked older than the age she professed, so he doubted that she lied about her real age.

看上去比她所说的年纪要老,所以他怀疑她隐瞒了真实年龄。 5).baby n.婴儿

Paul intended to name his baby after his grandtather, but his wife disagreed

保罗打算以他祖父的名字为自己的孩子命名,但他妻子不同意。 6).orphan n.孤儿

Although Susan is an orphanshe is always in good spirits. 虽然苏珊是个孤儿,但她总是很快乐。 7).child n.孩子

The child is father Of the man. 从小看大,3岁看老。 8).teenager n.青少年

Like other teenagers at his age, the boy is a little rebellious. 像其他这个年纪的青少年样,这个男孩有一些叛逆。 9).boy n.男孩

Some naughty boys nearby daubed the wall with black ink 附近一些淘气的男孩子用黑墨水在墙上乱涂乱画。 10).girl n.女孩

That beautiful girl received a love letter from one of her secret admirers.

那个漂亮的女孩收到一封暗恋者写给她的情节。 11).precocious adj.早熟的 That child is far too precocious. 孩子过于老成。

12).minor n.(法律)未成年人

Although he is a minor, he has to seek for a job to support his family.

尽管他还未成年,却不得不找工作养家糊口。 13).adult n.成年人

He has been an adult, but often acts like a child. 他已经成年了,可行为举止却常常像孩子一样幼稚。 14).youth n.青年,青年时期

The interviewer liked the candor of the youth in front of him and decided to employ him.

面试官喜欢肯前这个正直坦率的青年,于是决定录用他。 15).middlescent n.中年人

The middlescent usually have to bear much responsibility. 中年人往往要承担很多责任。

16).menopause n.绝经期,(妇女的)更年期

