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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英语课文短语》,欢迎阅读!

rewarding experience 有回报的经历;meet the minimum standards 达到最低标准 bridge the gap 补缺;reinforce ones own knowledge about 加强某人对…的了解

require extra commitment需要额外的投入;old disgusting t-shirt令人讨厌的旧T恤衫express ones identity 表现某人的个性;sense ones mistakes 意识到自己的错误;Honor prominent figures 纪念杰出人物; a low literacy rate 文化水平低

regain ones balance回复平衡;exit the hospital走出医院;a fountain pen自来水笔 cause a chain of reactions 引起一连串的反应;unforgettable meetings 难忘的会面; people infected with the HIV virus 感染艾滋病病毒的人; Life span 寿命

people carrying with HIV 艾滋病病毒携带者;implement programs 实施计划 plagues the medical establishment困扰着医疗机构;intense fear 极度恐惧 endanger/threaten other peoples lives 威胁他人生命concrete ways 具体方法; restrain the desire to do 克制住想要的欲望;a spy story 侦探小说

a worn album一本旧相册;exchange greetings互相问好;darkened street黑暗的街道 commit a number of robberies 多次抢劫;advocate gun control 提倡枪支控制 crime statistics 犯罪数据;confront an attacker 遭遇一位袭击者 mental processes 思维过程;sleeplike condition 似睡非睡的状态 instinctive activity 本能活动; nonfatal transplant 非致命的移植

capture the fleeting ideas 抓住瞬间即逝的念头;expand your world 开阔视野 build our future 铸造我们的未来;visual information 可视信息

interactive questions 交互性问题;worldwide resources 全世界的资源

make a profit 盈利;Smoking advertising 烟草广告; Postal service 邮政服务

develop healthy lifestyles 养成健康的生活方式; Fancy green suit 精致的绿色衣服 recycled materials 回收的材料;medical research breakthroughs 医学研究的突破 spreading cities 扩大的城市; Face reality面对现实; raise the issue 引发这一问题 enhance ones inner value and personal growth 提高自身价值,加速自我发展 intellectual property 知识产权;Weekend gatherings 周末聚会

Eye contact眼神的接触; Ritual interaction惯常的交流;Traffic-filled streets交通拥挤的街道; a disturbing thought 令人不安的想法; alter genetic code 改变基因密码;

Conduct business/experiment/electricity/ teleconference; the theory of relativity 相对论; Sign agreement 签协议; A security guard 安全保卫violate the right 侵犯权利 Settle problems/ an argument/ the case/ a bill/ an account

Make/ break appointments/ promises ; human dignity 人类尊严

Fulfil a job/task/ duty履行工作/任务/职责;Russian-style English带俄语口音的英语 Amusing stories 有趣的故事;Sense of humor 幽默感; A role model 模范

Wedding anniversary 结婚纪念日;Massive headache 头非常疼; Performance-enhancing drugs 兴奋剂;Track and field 田径

Pursue music lessons 音乐;singular determination 非凡的决心 Quiet self-confidence 从容自信;Post-race drug test 赛后药检

A strip of tape 一条胶带;Unmatched descipline 无与伦比的自制力 Enemy territory 敌占区;Decline one’s request 婉拒某人的请求

Fancy green suit 精致的绿色衣服;Nazi concentration camp 纳粹集中营

Frightening news 吓人的消息;Trembling voice 颤抖的声音;Tedious story 冗长的故事 Glowing eyes 明亮的眼睛;Quit smoking 戒烟;Advertisement signs 广告牌

Tightly packed closet 塞得满满的衣橱;Make a point 提出论点;tissue match 组织适配;

Material possessions 物质财富;Unreasonable demands 不合理的要求;Civil rights 民权; Feel a wave of regret 感到一阵后悔;Mutual respect 相互尊重; Elegant manner 优雅的举止 fall into two broad categories 归为两大类;Operating system 操作系统; Make firm decisions 作出坚决的决定;Gradual improvement 逐渐的进步

; Friends and associates 朋友和同事; generate a long list of puzzles 引发了一长串的困惑; Specific image 特定的形象;An art critic 一位艺术评论家;genetic information 遗传信息 A prominent magazine 一家知名杂志;Prejudiced notions 偏见; Conduct a study 做研究 Name stereotyping 对名字的成见;Classroom achievement 课堂表现

Appealing names 有吸引力的名字;A common claim 一个人人尽知的观点

A faded cotton shirt 一件褪了色的棉布衬衫;Mildly unusual behaviors 轻微的不正常举止 Bargain store 廉价商店;An exclusive restaurant 高档餐厅;Social grace 社交礼仪

Inherent dignity 固有的尊严;Clinical professor 临床医学教授; Due thought 深思熟虑

Heart beat/ leap/ bound 心跳;Have no compass in life 生活没有方向;Mental stress 精神压力 Financially independent 经济上独立;Stimulated intellectually 思维上活跃

Compelling behavior强迫性行为;Burn the midnight oil熬夜;A sour-looking man 表情木讷的人 A sense of self-worth and accomplishment自我价值和成就感; Emotionally drained情感上疲惫 Psychology counselor心理咨询顾问;Excessive time 过多的时间;Durable energy 持久的精力 Lead a balanced life 平衡的生活;The survey reveals 调查表明Major objective 主要目标 A sales representative 销售代表;Arrive at the inevitable conclusion 得出必然的结论 A prosperous career 一份薪水丰厚的工作;Immediate needs 眼前的需求

Moral sense道德感;Stable economic expansion平稳的经济发展;Civil servants 公务员

Nuclear family 核心家庭;Media personality 媒体名人; A scary moment 一个恐慌的时刻 Destructive force of resistance 反抗力量;Alarming forcasts 吓人的预测

Plausible explanation 合理的解释;Gloomy economic news 令人沮丧的经济信息

Economically dominant groups 经济上处于支配地位的群体; Faulty notions 错误观念 Navy shipping center 海军航运中心;Vacant expression 木然的脸部表情 Enriched my life 丰富了我的生活;Faithful friends 忠诚的朋友

Constant love and support 永恒的爱和支持Sleepy villages 幽静的乡村 Push up the sleeves 卷起袖子;Make grand declarations 郑重宣布 Pay emotional toll 付出感情代价;Harder-to-find quality 难得的品质

Faulty notions 错误观念;Acknowledge and express our feelings 承认并表达我们的感情 Endurance athletes 耐力运动员;Iron supplement 铁补剂Implement the decision 执行决定 ;Health-conscious woman 有健康意识的妇女;Intense endurance exercise 高强度耐力运动 Digestive system 消化系统;Iron reserves 铁储备;Small blood vessels 毛细血管 Undo the problem 解决问题;Readily absorbed sources of iron 易吸收的铁的来源

The cooking process 烹饪过程;A striking increase 明显增加; A treaty of surrender 投降协议 Remedy the deficiency 弥补不足;Process information 处理信息;Make the inference得出结论 Control group 对照组;Academic year 学年;Tackle mental challenges 应付智力挑战 Conscience and hard work良知和努力the prospect of human cloning 人类克隆的前景 Key ingredients 主要因素;Boarding school 寄宿学校;Contemporary life 现代生活 Job stability 工作稳定性;Reduce confrontation and achieve harmony 减少对峙谋求和谐 Devise a rather broad direction 制定大方向;A decent all-American version 体面的地道美国版Instantly rise to fame 一举成名;Capture the world’s attention 举世瞩目

Go against tradition 反传统;Earn a reputation 赢得声誉;Sign a contract 签合同

