
2022-04-02 13:24:13   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《 清明节扫墓_英语作文带翻译》,欢迎阅读!



, Qingming Festival, people came to the cemetery with sad mood. God seems to see through peoples hearts, and he will cry. The wicker also lowered its head Ah! Qingming Festival is so sad! 我们全家拿着鞭炮、纸钱……带着悲伤的心情来到公墓,一进门,就看见人山人海,听见了炮声浓浓,找到了地方,我们就开始扫墓。

My family has firecrackers, paper money I came to the cemetery with a sad mood. As soon as I entered the gate, I saw a sea of people. When I heard the sound of gunfire, I found a place, and we began to sweep the cemetery.



Dad lit the candle and put it right in front of the monument. After a while, dad picked up a clean towel and wiped the monument conscientiously, shining every word. I suddenly found that other peoples steles were all tied with a tape, which I thought was very strange, so I also bought a red belt with the words “sound and appearance are still there” to tie on the stele, which was originally to express our memory for our relatives. Then, my mother burned the paper money and said something in her mouth, hoping that the dead relatives would have a good life and bless our family! Finally, we kowtowed and bowed.


At this time, I think of “Qingming” written by Du Mu: “in the Qingming season, there is a lot of rain, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. Ask where the restaurant is. The shepherd boy points to Xinghua village. This poem describes that it often rains on the Qingming Festival, and the pedestrians on the road seem to lose their souls. They asked the residents where there was a restaurant. The shepherd boy pointed to the apricot flower village in

the distance.


On the way home, I thought to myself, “I must study hard and live up to the expectations of those who have passed away”

