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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《矮小的英语》,欢迎阅读!



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你知道矮小的英语怎么读吗?一起来学习一下吧! 矮小的英文: short and small; low and small 矮小的词组习语:

short and slight in figure; short in stature; 身材矮小

a small low house 矮小的房屋 矮小的英文例句:

1. The Inspector remembered her as a small, mousy woman, invariably worried.

检察官记得,她是一个矮小、羞怯、总是闷闷不乐的人。 2. He was lampooned for his short stature and political views. 他的矮小身材和政治观点使他成了受奚落的对象。

3. His figure is dwarfed by the huge red McDonald'ssign. 在巨大的红色麦当劳标志牌下,他显得很矮小。

4. Mother was of very small stature, barely five feet tall. 母亲身材矮小,只有5英尺高。

5. She was a short, sturdy woman in her early sixties. 她是个60岁出头、身材矮小结实的女人。 6. He was compact, probably no taller than me. 他矮小壮实,可能并不比我高。

7. My horse is small but wiry and sure-footed.

我的马虽矮小,但精瘦结实,走路稳当。 8. He was a small, dark-haired man. 他是个身材矮小的黑发男子。

9. Two pint-sized kids emerged from a doorway. 两个身型矮小的孩子从门口出现了。 10. He was short and heavy. 他矮小粗壮。

11. The old houses were dwarfed by the huge new tower blocks.

这些旧房子在新建的高楼大厦的映衬下显得十分矮小。 12. He's always been self-conscious about being so short. 他老为自己身材矮小而觉得难为情。 13. a weedy little man 瘦弱矮小的男子

14. He is a dapper little salesman in a business suit. 他是一个穿西装的矮小精悍的推销员.

15. A little body often harbours a great soul. 伟大的灵魂常寓于矮小的身躯.

