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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《莫言简介》,欢迎阅读!


莫言(1955217日- ,原名管谟业,生于山东高密县,中国当代著名作家。1980年代中以乡土作品崛起,充满着怀乡以及怨乡的复杂情感,被归类为寻根文学作家。作品深受魔幻现实主义影响。莫言在小说中构造独特的主观感觉世界,天马行空的叙述,陌生化的处理,塑造神秘超验的对象世界,带有明显的先锋色彩。20121011日,莫言因其用魔幻现实主义将民间故事、历史和现代融为一体获得诺贝尔文学奖。

莫言19552月生于山东高密,童年时在家乡小学读书,后因文革辍学,在农村劳动多年。1976 加入解放军。1981 开始创作生涯,发表处女作短篇小说《春夜雨霏霏》。迄今有长篇小说《红高粱家族》《天堂蒜苔之歌》等,中短篇小说集《透明的红萝卜》《爆炸》等。另有《莫言文集》五卷。20118月,莫言凭长篇小说《蛙》获第八届茅盾文学奖。





Mo Yan(1955.2.17_ ), whose original name is Guan Moye and was born in Gaomi County,Shandong Provence,is a famouse contemprory writer.


Mo Yan 莫言英文简介如下:

Born Guan Moye, the author writes under the pen name Mo Yan, which means "don't speak" in Chinese.

He began writing while a soldier in the People's Liberation Army and received international fame in 1987 with Red Sorghum: A Novel of China, which was made into a film.

Mo Yan (Chinese: 莫言; pinyin: Yán) (born February 17, 1955) is a Chinese author, described as "one of the most famous, oft-banned and widely pirated of all Chinese writers". He is known in the West for two of his novels which were the basis of the film Red Sorghum. He has been referred to as the Chinese answer to Franz Kafka or Joseph Heller.

Mo Yan was born in the Shandong province to a family of farmers. He left school during the Cultural Revolution to work in a factory that produced oil. He joined the People's Liberation Army at age twenty, and began writing while he was still a soldier, in 1981. Three years later, he was given a teaching position at the Department of Literature in the Army's Cultural Academy. Writing style

Mo Yan's works are predominantly social commentary, and he is strongly influenced by the political critique of Lu Xun and the magical realism of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Using dazzling, complex, and often graphically violent images, Mo Yan draws readers into the disturbing yet beautiful, kaleidoscopic universes of his stories. He sets many of his stories near his hometown, Northeast Gaomi Township in Shandong province.

Extremely prolific, Mo Yan wrote his latest novel, Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out in only 43 days. He composed the more than 500,000 characters contained in the original manuscript on traditional Chinese paper using only ink and a writing brush. 【莫言英文介绍】作品

Story, Shen Garden and Abandoned Child. Works

Red Sorghum (first published in 1987 in Chinese; in 1993 in English) The Garlic Ballads (first published in English in 1995) Explosions and Other Stories, a collection of short stories

The Republic of Wine: A Novel (first published in 1992 in Chinese; 2000 in English) Shifu: You'll Do Anything for a Laugh, a collection of short stories (first published in 2002 in English)

Big Breasts & Wide Hips (first published in 1996 in Chinese; 2005 in English) Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out (published in English in 2008)

