
2023-01-29 21:06:23   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《初三保护环境的英语作文60词》,欢迎阅读!


Environment is a basic human existence conditions, if we destroy the environment, it is ruined our survival conditions.

At present, the ecological environment is becoming more and more bad, is the greatest influence on our water resources. According to the relevant information reported: the laying of drainage system and detergent used to grow, consume the oxygen in the water, fish died, deterioration of ecosystem. Human activities can make a lot of industrial and agricultural pollutants into the water, the water is polluted. The world each year about 4200 sewage into the river, polluting the 5. 5 trillion of fresh water.

This is how the startling fact, protect the environment is everyone duty, why want to destroy? Lies a small river near my grandmas home, on the bottom, before my sister and brother in ones childhood often swimming in the river, and their friends to play in the water, uncles and aunts are often in the river to wash clothes, wash dishes, and now, near the river built a chemical plant, the production of waste water discharge into the river, originally the bottom stream gradually turned into a black sending out the smell of the river. The adults never go to the river to wash clothes to wash the dishes, friends never go to the river to play, too!

How I miss the crystal-clear stream! I think: cherish resources, good care environment, these are GongZaiDangDai, force and art event! If we are in such polluted water, that we can use water resources will be less and less, we destroy the environment, is destroying our living conditions. Let us join hands to jointly protect the environment, dont let water into water, protect the environment, is our common responsibility! 环境是一个人类生存最基本的条件,假如我们破坏了环境,这等于破坏了我们生存的条件。



我外婆家四周有一条小河,以前清亮见底,我的姐姐、哥哥小时候经常在小河里游泳,和他们的小伙伴们在水中玩耍,叔叔、阿姨们也经常在这小河中洗衣服、洗菜,而如今,小河旁建筑了一个化工厂,把生产的废水排放到河里,原本那清亮见底的小河慢慢变成了黑黑的散发着怪味的小河。大人们再也不去小河洗衣服洗菜了,小伙伴们也再也不去河里玩耍! 我多么怀念那条清亮见底的小河啊!我想:珍惜资源,爱惜环境,这些都是功在当代、力及千秋的大事啊!假如我们在这样污染水,那我们可以用的水资源就会越来越少,我们破坏环境,就是破坏我们生存的条件。


