
2022-05-03 16:04:43   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《初一下册英语作文带翻译我的一天》,欢迎阅读!


My feet were flying in the wind, and I was glad. Just then, the mother shouted anxiously: "wenwen, wen wen. I just slowly open your eyes, it turns out that just about all is a dream, I got up

mum seriously said to me: "wander, has been off for several days, can't go out to play today. Want to write my homework first, and then read the cool wind." I said yes.

When my mother left, I took my homework and did it seriously. 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 40 minutes, I'm done. I checked my homework and found that I was wrong, so I corrected it.

Then I took the cool wind out and read it carefully. The author happy, I also follow happy together, sad story, I also can't help tears, the tears falling like a broken line of beads, it took

me an hour. Read the book cool wind. My mother came home and looked at my homework and didn't do a wrong problem.

I am so happy that my mother praised me. Next time, I will do my homework carefully to get my mother's praise again!


妈妈走后,我把作业拿了出来,认真地做着。10分钟,20分钟,30分钟,40分钟过去了,我终于写完了。我把作业检查了一遍,发现做错了一题,于是,我把这题改正了。 接着,我把《清凉的风》拿了出来,认真的读着。作者高兴时,我也跟着一起高兴,故事悲伤的事时,我也会情不自禁地流泪,那泪水像断了线的珠子往下落,我花了一小时的时间。把《清凉的风》这本书读完。妈妈回到了家,看我的作业没做错一道题,读书又认真,就竖起大拇指,夸奖了我。

我的心情真高兴,妈妈夸奖了我,下次,我还要认真写作业,争取再得到妈妈的表扬! In my opinion, man's life should be enriched, sought and tried.

When we were young, we wrote down the famous famous famous famous poems in our hearts. Some of those are saying that let us cherish our time and our lives, but we do not. But after we grow

up, I know, I should cherish the time early, full every day, we won't

fulfilling life wouldn't be wasting happy every day. The sky in your life, to share, is a full complement. Now the sky in my life is Shared.

I remember it was a bright spring morning when I came to my classmate's house. The tree at the side of the road, "splash," welcome to the morning, the breeze like a mother to brush people's

hair, ah! How wonderful everything is. Classmate smiling me into the house, we came to the desk, soso, finds out the book from grade one to grade four, we both division of labor, she find out

the knowledge points, I to copy. From grade one to grade four main points of mathematics knowledge on almost finished copy, we put them into a computer, she said: "we will copy it, the whole

class a person one, it seems that this time we are such a living lei feng." "Ha ha ha! E; After laughing, we were in a busy world again.

Once in a while, at noon, I said goodbye to my classmates to my own home. Although it was spring, there was a little sultry, a meal, a telephone, and my teacher called me from home to school.

I knew that the teacher would ask me to copy the information, so I rushed to school. As soon as I arrived at the school, the teacher made an order: "the computer teacher photocopied this

information 55 copies." "Be!" I agreed to go to the microcomputer teacher -- one afternoon, and I was busy.


小时候,我们把一句句一首首名人名言名人名诗记在心中。那些中有一些是说让我们珍惜时间,把握生命的,然而,我们并非这样做。但我们长大了之后,知道,真应该早点珍惜时间,充实过每一天,一生才不会被我们就不充实不虚度地快乐每一天。生活中的一片天空,给大家分享,那也算是充实。现在我生活中的一片天空就拿出来给大家分享。 记得那是一个春光明媚的清晨,我来到同学家。道路旁的大树,“哗哗”地欢迎早晨的到来,微风像母亲般给人们梳头,啊!一切多么美好。同学笑迎我进家门,我们来到写字台,翻箱倒柜,找出了从一年级到四年级的书,我们俩分工,她找出知识要点,我来抄。从一年级到四年级的数学知识要点一晃乎就抄完了,我们把它们输入电脑,她说:“我们把它复印,全班人一人一张,看来这次我们俩成了一对活雷锋了。”“哈哈,哈哈!"e;完了,我们又陷入了忙碌中。



Today, the sun is shining brightly. "let's go to the orchard," I said. "ok!"

I opened the door gently and I got on the bus, and on the way, I always asked dad how far it was and dad said it. I saw the orchard, and I saw many fruit trees, pear trees, apple trees, almond trees, and a lot of...

We bought a lot of apples, pears, and in the afternoon I was reluctant to go home.

I love orchard!



我们买了许多苹果,梨、到了下午,我恋恋不舍地回家了。 我非常喜欢果园!


