马云的励志故事 英汉对照

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马云的励志故事 英汉对照






I took the college entrance examination three times before I was admitted to Hangzhou Normal University, the worst university in Hangzhou at that time. In college, I had the honor of becoming the president of the student union and later the president of the Hangzhou University Students' Federation. But at that time, my future was basically circled as a middle school English teacher. When I graduated, I became the only teacher out of more than 500 graduates to teach at a university. My salary is RMB 100 to RMB120 per month, which is equivalent to US$12 to US$15.

In my 5-year teaching career, I have always dreamed of working for a company, such as a restaurant or somewhere else. I just wanted to do something. In 1992, the business environment began to improve, and I applied for many jobs, but no one wanted me. I applied for the position of general manager secretary at KFC, but I was rejected.

Then in 1995, I went to Seattle as an interpreter for a trade delegation. A friend showed me the internet for the first time there. We searched for the word beer on Yahoo, but we didn't find anything about China, so we decided to create a website and registered the name China Yellow Pages.

I borrowed $2,000 to start the company, and at the time I didn't know anything about personal computers and email, and I didn't even touch the keyboard. That's why I say I'm blind and riding a blind horse. We competed with China Telecom for about a year, and the general manager of China Telecom expressed his willingness to contribute $185,000 to form a joint venture with us. I've never seen that much money. Unfortunately, China Telecom has five seats on the company's board of directors, while my company has only two seats, and they reject every incident we propose, which is like ants and elephants fighting, there is no chance at all. I decided to resign and go it alone. At that time, I got an offer from Beijing to run an offer that was designed to promote e-commerce.

