
2022-08-06 11:07:21   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《一件令我感动的事英语作文400字带翻译精选篇3》,欢迎阅读!



Recently, something happened in my class, which deeply moved me.


I remember the last lesson that afternoon. The teacher was giving a lecture seriously. Suddenly, Zhao Ziqing raised his hand nervously: “teacher! Teacher! Feng Linshan vomited! Suddenly, a pungent smell came. “Ah, it smells so bad!” I cant help but cover my nose and think to myself: why am I so unlucky, just sitting behind her? At

this time, Wei Zichen and Huo Jialou, sitting beside me, raised their hands without hesitation and said, “teacher, lets clean it!” The teacher smiled and nodded. With the teachers permission, they quickly ran to the health corner, took the ash bucket and went to the playground to shovel earth. After a while, they came back sweating. They first poured the soil on the dirt carefully, then took the broom to clean the dirt and soil, and finally dragged the rest of the dirt with the mop. At this time, I saw Feng Linshans eyes full of gratitude and the teachers smile full of praise. I was also moved by them. 通过这件事,我看到了卫子琛、霍佳楼乐于助人、关心集体的精神,同时,我也看到了自己的不足,所以,我也要学习这样的精神

Through this incident, I have seen the spirit of Wei Zichen and Huo Jialou who are willing to help others and care for the collective. At the same time, I have also seen my own shortcomings. Therefore, I also want to learn such spirit

