Honesty and responsibility 重点短语归纳讲义-高中英语牛津译林版

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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《Honesty and responsibility 重点短语归纳讲义-高中英语牛津译林版》,欢迎阅读!


1. the core of our moral values(P1) 我们道德价值观的核心 2. take agreements seriously 认真对待协议 3. play by the rules 按规矩办事

4. do everything to the best of your ability 尽你所能地把每件事做到最好 5. from time to time(P2) 不时;偶尔 6. on the beat 在巡逻

7. make a fortune 发财,赚大钱 8. come a thousand miles 千里奔波 9. walk up the street(P3) 沿着街道走 10. release his arm 放开他的手臂

11. take charge of the situation 掌控局势 12. drop over our way 顺道到我们这里

13. put a series of events within a story in sequence(P4) 按顺序呈现故事里的一系列事情 14. the principle of cause and effect 因果原则

15. shortly before ten o'clock(P5) 快到10点的时候

16. stare at his smiling face one final time 最后一次凝视着他的笑脸 17. stick to my principles 坚持我的原则

18. put up more affordable housing 建造更多经济适用房

19. build up a picture of the person being described 构建被描写的人物的形象画面 20. a detailed and vivid description 详细生动的描写

21. practise core socialist values(P6) 践行社会主义核心价值观 22. resign his post 辞去他的职位 23. go away on business 出差 24. in the daytime 在白天 25. fall ill with cancer 患癌症

26. bring China's knowledge and technology in this area alongside the world's finest 使中国在这一领域的知识和技术成为世界最优秀的 27. edit the photos(P7) 编辑照片、图片 28. be nice to other people 对别人友好

29. post photos of herself working out 上传她自己锻炼的照片 30. no exception 无一例外

31. live a lie 过骗人的生活,虚伪地生活

32. close her online account 关闭她的网络账号

33. a brightly wrapped parcel with a big red bow(P8) 一个包装很鲜艳且上面有一个大大的红色蝴蝶结的包裹

34. smile as broadly as I could 我尽可能地笑得灿烂 35. pause briefly 短暂停顿

36. share the same tastes 志趣相投

37. stand there in awkward silence 尴尬地站在那里,默不作声 38. make concessions(P10) 作出让步,妥协 39. raise doubts about 对……提出质疑

40. vary the vocabulary you choose (根据情境)改变你选择的词汇 41. accept your passage into adulthood(P11) 接纳你步入成年的阶段 42. a welldeveloped sense of responsibility 养成良好的责任感 43. take your studies seriously 认真对待你的学业 44. meet deadlines for your schoolwork 按期交作业 45. follow your teachers' guidance 听从你老师的指导 46. aim for academic excellence 追求学业卓越 47. practise the virtue of courage 实践勇敢的美德

48. in all aspects of your everyday life(P12) 在你日常生活的方方面面

49. an organic whole 一个有机整体 50. feel inspired 深受鼓舞

51. be energyefficient 高效使用能源

52. bring love and warmth to the elderly 给老人带去关爱和温暖 53. weigh heavily on you 沉重地压在你身上 54. wish you every success 祝你成功

55. put together your information(P13) 整合你们的信息 56. the greatest moral conduct 最伟大的道德行为

57. set aside our personal feelings and interests 抛开我们的个人情感和利益 58. pursue the interests of the majority 追求大多数人的利益

