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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《沉迷于专心致志于的英语短语》,欢迎阅读!

沉迷于专心致志于的英语短语 答案:be lost in

解析:考查短语“沉迷于......;专心致志于......”短语是be lost in; lost 意思是“迷失的,沉迷的”。 扩展:


focus/concentrate on sth,是否还有其他更高级的表达,我们一起积累起来吧,记住一个就好,下次在英文写作中试着用起来吧! 1.bury oneself in sth专心致志于

We're supposed to bury myself in reading some books.我们应该专心读几本书。 2.get your head down集中精力做某件事情,全力以赴;也可以表示“躺下睡觉” I'm going to get my head down and try to finish this report before I go home today.在今天回家之前,我得集中精力努力完成这份报告。

3.sink/get one's teeth into sth全身心投入做某事(意思跟“牙齿”毫不相关哦) 英文释义:to become completely involved in something:

He really sunk his teeth into getting the project done.他全身心投入完成那个项目。

4.be immersed in沉浸于immerse oneself in doing sth He is really immersed in his work.

5.put one's heart and soul into全心全意投入

I would like to put my heart and soul into finishing my thesis.我想要全身心准备我的论文。

最后,再分享一句在《绿皮书》中看到的讲关于“专注”的魅力do it a hundred percent),愿大家都享受专注于当下。

Whatever you do, do it a hundred percent. When you work, work. When you laugh, laugh. When you eat, eat like it's your last meal.


“沉迷于”的英文短语为addicted to,可以理解为“附属于,依恋”“沉迷于;对……有瘾 醉心于”等含义。addicted to后面跟名词或名词短语。

举个例子:I went through about four years of being addicted to video games.我大约有4年时间沉迷在电子游戏中。

The children are very attached to their grandparents.孩子们非常依恋他们的 “沉迷于”的英文短语还有be addicted tobecome addicted to等。沉迷英文短语有:to indulge in; to wallow in; to revel in。例句:He was engrossed in thought. 他沉迷于思路。 迷恋的形容词有: obsessed, infatuated。名词有: obsession, infatuation例句:He is obsessed with Emilia.他迷恋着埃米莉亚。 扩展资料:沉迷 indulge; wallow 参加,沉迷于 go in for 沉浸于,沉迷于 be immersed in 沉迷于网上 web addiction 使沉迷于 eat uwith 沉迷于酒色的 dissipated

沉迷于电视连续剧 be addicted to tv soaoperas 沉迷于奢侈生活 wallow in luxury 沉迷于收集古物 antiquarianize 从事,致力于,追求,沉迷于 go in for 从事,追求,致力于,沉迷于 go in for 使沉迷于, 使纠缠于 eat up with 使沉迷于;使纠缠于 eat up

沉迷于灯红酒绿的生活 wallow in luxury

沉迷于酒色的, 闲游浪荡的, 消失的 dissipated 我们能沉迷于这个化妆舞会吗 can we drothis masquerade

