
2022-04-05 01:50:08   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《weather教案》,欢迎阅读!



1能够听、说、认读、写单词:sunny windy cloudy snowy rainy 2、能够运用句型:Whats the weather like ? 及其回答 Its . 3、拓展思维,创设情境,培养学生创新能力。


1、掌握四会单词 sunny windy cloudy snowy rainy 并灵活运用。


1、灵活运用句子 Whats the weather like ? 及其回答 Its . 2、单词 sunny 的发音。


教学准备:单词卡片、录音机(带) 教学过程

Step 1 Warm-up 1T and Ss greetings . 2T order , Ss do actions . Step 2 Presentation and practice

1 T : Today well learn some new words about weather .

T write it on the Bb and teach it .

2T look out of the window , point to the sun and say :I can see the sun , its sunny today . Then draw a

picture on the Bb . T show the word card , say the word sunny and do actions , Ss follow , then read it one by one or in groups with actions , then spell it . 3T do actions and let Ss guess what kind of weather it is , show the word card and teach windy , Ss read it boys or girls , then spell it .

4T do actions of the preceding words and ask : Whats the weather like ? Let Ss explain the meaning of the sentence . T write the sentence on the Bb , do actions and teach , Ss follow .

5T draw a picture on the Bb , do actions and say cloudy , Ss use big voice or small voice to learn it . 6T do actions and let Ss guess what kind of weather it is , show the word card and teach snowy , then spell it .

7T draw a picture on the Bb , do actions and say rainy , Ss use or to read it . 8Guessing game . 9Word competition .

10T do actions and ask : Whats the weather like ? Ss do actions and answer : Its . 11Game : Rock , sissors , paper

Ss do dialogues in pairs or groups . 12Say a chant .

13T add some cities names behind the sentence : Whats the weather like in ? T ask and show the word cards , Ss answer .

14Ss extend the dialogue , practise freely and perform on the stage . Step 3 Homework

1Say the words to their parents or friends .

2Remind Ss paying attention to the weather and health .

板书: Weather

Beijing Xinjiang Xizang

Whats the weather like in Shanghai ?


