英语节国旗下讲话稿:享受英语, 放飞梦想

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英语节国旗下讲话稿:享受英语, 放飞梦想

英语节国旗下讲话稿享受英语,放飞梦想时间140916 悦岩璃陌 英语节国旗下讲话稿享受英语,放飞梦想

英语节国旗下讲话稿享受英语, 放飞梦想

Good morning teachers and students! Toda our topic is eno English and fl m dream (亲爱的老师们、同学们大家早上好!今天我们发言的题目是 享受英语, 放飞梦想!

In order to create a nice English learning atmosphere and enrich a cultural school life,our school is holding the annual English Festival Activit The theme is Fl m English dream, from Dec 4 to Dec 31, this time, the colourful English Festival Activit is prepared Including Happ English Song, English Hand-ade Writing and Card petition, and Oral English Show(英语节期间,学校为同学们准备了丰富的校园英语快餐。它包括“快乐歌曲大家唱”、“英语贺卡制作比赛”、“英语书写比赛”、“ 英语口语秀”等内容。

In this oful English atmosphere, students can spea English bravel and use English to municate activel We hope ou can shoourselves in these activitie


Activit One Oral English can be used in our dail life We hope the students can use dail English in the life and learning career(一是开展英语口语日常化活动。希望我们的同学们,在日常生活和学习中积极的使用日常英语

Activit Two Happ English Song petition will be held on time During this time, our school broadcasting studio will pla pleasant English songs for us We can listen and learn to sing

