
2023-12-18 02:42:08   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《常见的的英文是什么普遍的英文》,欢迎阅读!



1.common 2.familiar common常见用法 adj.普通的; 通俗的; [数学]公共的;

共有的 n.[法律](对土地、水域的)共有权; 公共用地; 普通;

平民 1. His destination was Chobham Common, a long way from his Cotswold home. 他的目的地是乔伯姆公地,那里和他在科茨沃尔德的家离得很远。

2. Eczema is a common skin complaint which often runs in families. 湿疹是一种常见的皮肤病,通常具遗传性。

3. Canadian libel law is based on English common law. 加拿大的诽谤法是以英国的习惯法为基础的。

4. The crew are of different nation-alities and have no common language. 船员来自不同国家,语言不通。

5. His name was Hansen, a common name in Norway. 他的名字叫汉森,在挪威是一个常见的名字。

6. He had very little in common with his sister. 他和姐姐几乎没有什么共同语言。

7. Hallucination is common in patients who have suffered damage to the brain. 脑部受损的病人常会产生幻觉。8. Sri Lankans share a common ancestry with their Indian brethren. 斯里兰卡人和他们的印度兄弟有共同的祖先。

9. We happened to discover we had a friend in common. 我们凑巧发现我们有一个共同的朋友。

10. Deliveries are made by common carrier or van line. 货物运输采用普通货车或厢式货车。 familiar常见用法 adj.熟悉的; 通晓的; 冒昧的;

随便的 n.常客,密友; 高级官吏的家属; [天主]教皇[主教]的仆人;

1. Rose heard the familiar voice, but tuned out the words. 罗斯听到了熟悉的声音,但没注意听说的是什么。

2. She looks disconcertingly like a familiar aunt or grandmother. 令人疑惑的是,她看上去就像一位面熟的邻家阿姨或是祖母。 3. In the cosy consulting room the children are surrounded by familiar objects. 在温馨的诊疗室里,孩子们周围摆满了亲切熟悉的东西。

4. Those familiar with Sanders call him a consummate politician. 那些熟悉桑德斯的人都称他为手段高明的政治家。

5. Everyone must be familiar with the old favourite among roses, Crystal Palace. 大家一定都很熟悉玫瑰中的老牌名品水晶宫殿 6. The Observer found the play “a feeble rehash of familiar Miller themes“ 《观察家报》认为这部剧是大家熟悉的米勒式主题的拙劣翻7. More familiar landscapes have been sculpted by surface erosion. 还有更多熟悉的地貌是因地表侵蚀形成的。

8. Everyone is familiar with the TV screen"s hypnotic power. 大家都很熟悉电视屏幕的吸引力。

9. The sound was so familiar that she didn"t register it. 这个声音如此耳熟,她根本没怎么留意。

