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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《介绍自己英语作文》,欢迎阅读!


无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,借助作文可以提高我们的语言组织能力。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?以下是为大家整理的介绍自己英语作文,欢迎阅读参考。 介绍自己英语作文

I have a nickname called “gluttonous insect". You can see it only by looking at me: dark hair, big belly, red lips, black eyes. If you want to know more about me, go ahead!

Once, mom and Dad took me to barbecue. As soon as I get to the barbecue, I'm "three thousand feet straight". I like what I have. I haven't eaten one, and I have everything! I immediately sat in front of the grill and quickly placed it on the grill when the chicken wings didn't thaw. However, the tragedy happened: when I poured oil on the chicken wings, suddenly splashed a few drops of oil, "flying" to me. Really "impatient to eat hot tofu" ah! So I quickly wiped off the oil and put the chicken wings on the grill on the barbecue tray. After waiting for half an hour, I had no patience, so I put the chicken wings back on the grill. I put it for ten minutes and turned it five times. I picked it up and took it. I just had one last bite and I had a stomachache. I went to the public toilet immediately, and it took five minutes to work out. I dumbfounding, thinking: "Oh! He was bullied, I feel stupid! So, when I eat other foods, I have to defrost, barbecue, eat, and then a little thing did not go out.

Hey! If I had been patient, I wouldn't have had an accident. This is me. Do you know me? 介绍自己英语作文 My Home Town

My hometown is in the southeast of Shandong a seaside village. It is a small village. There are about 600 people. Most of them are peasants. They mainly plant wheat corn and cotton. Some of them often go fishing in the sea.

Great changes have taken place in the past ten years. Now the peasants here use tractors in their work. A lot of new buildings have appeared. Many families own fridges and some even have air-conditioners. In the evening they watch TV as the people in cities do. There is a primary school in the village. Most of the peasants children are studying in college now. 介绍自己英语作文

I grow is not high also not short, but, our class wang to call me "little man", in fact, she even shorter than me! I a pair of double-fold eyelid eyes, others see I said my eyes are very beautiful.

I am a timid person, because I was born and they were afraid that grow hairy, looks very dirty, strange insects. Just said a few days ago, a few heavy rain, I came to school in the morning, saw the campus has a lot of earthworms in climb ah climb, I was scared scream, I stood on tiptoe a bouncing ran towards the classroom, however, the door of the classroom is not open, suddenly, I'm dumbfounded, looking at the earthworm climb in front of me, I can't help trembling body, when I stand in situ like a cat on hot bricks don't know what to do? At this time, open the door of the students come, I was the first to rush in, at my desk, I go in for a long time, my heart finally calm down.

I am very hardworking. Remember once, mom and dad didn't go off work, home is very dirty, I took the broom to sweep the floor clean, and mop the floor to drag earnestly again, also put the rubbish into the trash can, and I wash mop clean. Mom and dad come back to dig the kua I grow up.

