英语人教版五年级下册Unit3 My school canlendar

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Unit 3 My school calendar

B Lets talk


本部分学习的核心句型是:When is the trip this year? Its in October. Well go to the Great Wall. 教材通过OliverChen Jie讨论秋游的情景,介绍秋游的时间以及秋游要去的地方,让学生感知上述句型的语义和语用。


1. 语言知识技能目标:学生能理解对话大意;能够按照正确的意群和语音语调朗读对话;能在情景中运用句型:When is ...? Its in ... Well go to the Great Wall.

2. 学习策略目标:培养学生听前预测、听中抓关键词和记录关键信息等听力技能。 3. 情感态度目标:通过学习引导学生感受母爱,做一个学会感恩的好孩子。


教学重点:读懂对话大意,在对话中理解核心句型和用法。 教学难点:能在任务和实际生活交际中使用核心句型。


1. 热身


T: Good morning, children. Ss: Good morning, Cici.

T: Whats the weather like today? Ss: Its


Lets do something fun. ----months of the year

Shake your body, and do with me.(学生跟着音乐节奏摇晃身体,中间快节奏部分双手有节奏的拍桌子) (3)Which month do you like best?

I like October best. I really like the colours. Which season is it?

Autumn. In autumn, the leaves fall and all and fall. Lets catch the leaves.

设计意图:通过叶子上出现的各种词组,复习相关内容,激活背景知识。 (4)Lets try

最后一张叶子出现: when is your birthday? 然后问学生, 学生回答

出现Oliver 问:when is Olivers birthday? What will he have?

2.Lets talk

教师呈现课文场景,通过Lets try的延伸问题,引导学生预测Lets talk内容。

设计意图:教师鼓励学生观察图片,并根据已有的背景知识预测谈话内容,以引发学生对对话的期待。 T: here is Olivers birthday party. 叮咚。Chenjie is coming.

1 look and guess ,通过birthday party 的情境创设,look, CJ is in Os birthday party. What are they talking about? Sschool trip.

2listen and answer When is the trip this year? 选择its in October. Where will they go?

They will go to the Great Wall.

3Listen and repeat. 跟读过程中,提醒学生关注语音、语调的变化。 4Read in boys and girls. 让同学们进一步熟悉文本。

5Fill in the blanks. 学生举手回答,全班跟同学读。 3RUNNING BOXES(拍手传盒子) WowIts game time.

PPT出示Olivers birthday party气球爆炸的图片,之后出现its Game time 游戏规则:全班同学有节奏的拍手问问题,when is the trip? when is the trip? 同时学生传递盒子,STOP后,学生抽取回答,并贴到黑板上。

Where will you go? I’ll go to . What will you do? I’ll . When is the trip? Its in/on .

3. 操练与拓展


设置母亲节情景,鼓励学生交流。引导学生感受母爱,做一个懂得感恩的孩子。 On Mothers day, XXX will . When is mothers Day ?

I’ll show my mum a video, lets watch together. 沙画母亲节

T: Mom is so great. Ill write her a letter. Dear mum,

Mothers Day is coming. On Mothers Day, Ill cook noodles for you. Ill do housework(家务) for you. Yours, Cici

What will you do for your mother? Take out your card.(爱心状:学生可以选择也可以自己写), Now, please share what you will do for you mother with your partner. S1: Ill ...(同桌交流,说一说) T: will you share with us?


Look, this is your sweetest love for your mum. So lets say: mum, I love you. (PPT出现; Mum, I love you.) What else do you want to say to your mum, maybe you can write her a letter or make a card. 5.作业

Todays homework.

必做题:Read the dialogue three times.听读课文3遍。 选做题:

Make a card to your mum. 给妈妈写一封信

Upload your words that you want to say to your mum on our class wechant.



整个板书展示了本课目标语言,简洁明了。 Unit 3 My school calendar

B Lets talk

When is the trip this year ? Its in ...

What will you do? Ill ...

On Mothers Day

I’ll .A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H.


make a card sing to her

say Thank you write her a letter tell her a story

play the pipa for her

