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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《旅行用英语怎么说》,欢迎阅读!



旅行英语说法1 travel

旅行英语说法2 trip

旅行英语说法3 journey

旅行英语说法4 tour


旅行家 Travelogue ; Traveler ;

旅行包 travelling bag ; Travel Bags ; handbag ; THE TRAVEL 徒步旅行 hiking ; hike ; Walkabout ; walking tour 单程旅行 outward journey ; viaje de ida ; One way trip 旅行团 Life Journey ; tour group ; touring party ; Package tour package tour inclusive tour ; inclusive tour ; Packaged tour ; package tour,inclusive tour

旅行计划 Travel Plans ; itinerary ; The Plan of the Tour ; Traveling Plans

旅行商 TSP ; traveling salesman ; drummer ; Traveler 旅行的英语例句:

1. The journey ends in the ancient city of Marrakesh. 旅行的终点是马拉喀什古城。

2. We spent years travelling around in a rusty old van.


3. She travels con-stantly, moving among her several residences around the world.

她经常旅行,穿梭于她在世界各地的多处住所。 4. She travelled to India after taking her A levels. 她参加完高等程度考试后去印度旅行了。

5. They are planning on a trip to Guyana next month. 他们计划下个月去圭亚那旅行。

6. He has almost certainly blown his chance of touring India this winter.


7. At 84, John feels his age precludes too much travel. 84岁的约翰感到自己年事已高,不能进行太多的旅行。 8. Ray and I ate our meal and reminisced about the trip. 雷和我吃着饭,回忆起那次旅行。

9. Even carrying the camcorder while hiking in the forest was an effort.

在森林中徒步旅行时,即便带的是便携式摄像机也非常费力。 10. Clothes were thrown in the luggage in an untidy heap. 衣服被乱糟糟地扔进旅行箱里。

11. He found the rigours of the tour too demanding. 他发现这次旅行非常艰苦。

12. He'd like to go on safari to photograph snakes and tigers. 他想进行一次观兽旅行,拍摄一些蛇类和老虎的照片。

13. When his master's off traveling, Caleb stays with Pierre's parents.


14. It became impractical to make a business trip by ocean liner.


