
2022-03-25 08:00:30   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《描写春天美景的英语日记带翻译》,欢迎阅读!



春雷轰隆隆地响彻大地,春雨哗哗哗地下着让小花小草小树们饱饱地喝了一顿。太阳出来了,草地上的绿色多了起来:小草们钻出了地面,迎着阳光,微微点头,仿佛在说“春天来了, 我要长大” 。树上的小鸟一大早就叽叽喳喳地叫个不停,仿佛在说:“春天来了,我们要早早起来捉虫子。”

Spring thunder resounds through the earth, and spring rain makes the flowers, grass and trees have a full drink. When the sun came out, the grass became more green: the grass came out of the ground, nodded slightly in front of the sun, as if to say “spring is coming, I want to grow up”. The birds in the trees chirp and chirp in the early morning, as if to say: “spring is coming, we should get up early to catch insects.” 每天,我也开始早早起来背上书包去上学。一路上,春风吹在我的脸上,还有点凉嗖嗖的’。春风吹进了小区里,坡道两遍一排排迎春花开了。它们迎着太阳微微笑,仿佛欢迎春天的到来。

Every day, I also began to get up early and carry my schoolbag to school. Along the way, the spring wind blows on

my face, and it’s a little cool. The spring wind blows into the community, and the ramps bloom in rows twice. They smile at the sun, as if they welcome spring.


Spring brings me to Ningbo botanical garden. I saw a yellow tulip in bloom, and the flower bones on the cherry tree looked like little lanterns hanging on the branches, which was very beautiful. The plum blossom is still open, attracting many bees and butterflies.


The spring breeze brought me to the fields in the outskirts of the city. Rows of green rape flowers are particularly energetic in the sun. They nodded slightly in the spring wind with little yellow hats. A row of willows by the river has grown green leaves. The slender willow branches sway gently with the spring wind. I also saw many weeds growing in the fields. There

are some small black dots swimming in the small pool between the fields. That’s Tadpoles Looking for spring.

