大学跨文化英语 综合教程I Unit 4 Relating to Animals 课后习题参考答案

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Text A

Key to Exercises

Reading Comprehension


Part I (Paras. 14) Part II (Paras. 511)


1) The dog was found in an empty doghouse in the trees beyond my mother’s yard. 2) She was heartbroken. 3) No, they didn’t.

4) They were people who refused to give up on anything.

5) They fed her, gave her water, and bathed her in burned motor oil, the way the author’s people cured mange for generations.

Part III 6) She became a beautiful white German (Paras. shepherd.

1214) 7) She lived three years after joining the author’s


Part IV 8) Miracles may happen if we try hard and never (Para. 15) give up.

Headline when and where Pretty Girl was found

how Pretty Girl was treated

how Pretty Girl lived for another three years conclusion

2. 1) T 2) F 3) F 4) F 5) F 3. 1) B 2) B 3) A 4) A 5) A Language Practice 1. 1) miracle 译文:医生说他的康复是个奇迹。 2) fail 译文:由于上了岁数,他的身体一天不如一天。此外,疾病也加快了他的衰老速度。 3) magically 译文:学习一门语言需要时间和练习——你的英语水平不会一下子就奇迹般地提高。 4) wandering 译文:如果有一天你厌倦了流浪生活,请记得我们仍然在这里等你回来。 5) tend 译文:一个医疗队被派往地震灾区去照料幸存者。 6) bathe 译文:两位医生都认为父母不应该每天都给婴幼儿洗澡。 7) tragic 译文:负责驻阿富汗美军的坎贝尔军官称那次事故是个悲剧,但本可以避免。 8) discard 译文:学生们要将垃圾丢进专门的垃圾回收箱。 9) cease 译文:在正常的衰老过程中,肌肉会变得越来越弱并逐渐停止自我修复。 10) in the frst place 译文:我想我们当初就不应该去那里。

11) cure

译文:据说科学家已经发现了现代的有效的方法来预防、治疗并治愈这种古老的疾病。 12) creep

译文:我会偷偷地溜进来去二楼看看。 13) buried

译文:海盗和宝藏的时代已经一去不复返了。 14) least of all

译文:没有人知道他在哪里,他的家人更不知道。 15) starved

译文:据说有超过4万人死于饥饿,其中大部分是儿童。 2. 1) One illness can push many families to the edge of financial ruin. 2) The atmosphere of the party was clouded by that sad news.

3) As a talented language learner, he has never ceased to pursue excellence in language learning.

4) In this country, there is a 120-day annual leave for parents to tend sick children.

5) People who have been in combat are changed for good by that experience, as are their families.

6) Regular exercises and a healthy diet helped cure his disease.

7) After working non-stop for a month in this factory, his health failed. 8) Please keep the user’s instructions before discarding the box. 9) This is not the first time for him to put down a dog beyond cure.

10) The police have warned the citizens not to bathe themselves in the polluted river. 3. 1) into pull into 开进,驶入

2) into creep into 潜入,悄悄出现 3) on give up on 放弃 4) away eat away 侵蚀 5) off run off 赶走 4. 1) Internet 因特网 2) export 出口 3) upload 上传 4) subway 地铁 5) transplant 移植 6) interview 面试 7) undersea 海底的

8) transcontinental 洲际的

5. 注解:本单元的语法内容是过去完成时。

过去完成时由had+过去分词构成, had用于各种人称和数。过去完成时表示“过去的过去” ,是指过去某一动作之前已经发生或完成的动作,即动作有先后关系。发生在前的动作用过去完成时表示,发生在后的动作用一般过去时。过去完成时常出现在:

A. 宾语从句中:当宾语从句的主句为一般过去时,且从句的动作先于主句的动作时,句要用过去完成时。练习中的第3)题属于此类,答案为: 3) had longed

B. 状语从句中:在时间、条件、原因、方式等状语从句中,主从句的动作发生有先后关系时,发生在前的动作要用过去完成时,发生在后的动作用一般过去时。练习中的第1) 4)5)题属于此类,答案分别为: 1) had gone 4) had been5) had been dug

