
2022-08-23 10:01:21   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英语谜语》,欢迎阅读!

1. 一只无Foot鸡,蹲着不会啼,不喝Water,不吃Rice,客来敬个礼。(teapot)

2. Long neck, Small mouth,一肚Water坐高楼。数它会打扮,Red,green插满头。(vase)

3. It has small eyes, big ears, short tail. It’s very big.(elephant) 4. What is the largest(最大的)ant in the world?(elephant) 5. Left, right,是香是臭,它都懂。(nose)

6. Mom 有床单,大到没有边。Dad 有银币,数也数不清。(sky) 7. You have it.You read it.There are many words and pictures in it. What is it?(book)

8. My face is black. You can write on me. What am I? (board/blackboard)

9. What are two things people never eat before breakfast?(lunch and dinner)

10.What can’t be used until(直到) it’s broken(破碎)?(egg) 11.What is a fish, but doesn’t in the water?(wood fish)

12.I have four fat legs. I have a long nose. I am gray. What am I? (elephant)

13.I am pink. I am fat. My nose is big. What am I? (pig)

14.I have a long hand and a short hand. I have numbers on my face. What am I? (clock)

15.I am small. I am gray. My tail is long. What am I? (mouse) 16.It has many words in it. What is it? (book) 17.Where you can wash yourself? (bathroom) 18.What table is in the field (田地)? (vegetable)

19.What question can never be answered by Yes”?(Are you asleep?)

20.Head 没有NeckBody冷冰冰。有翅不能Fly,没有Foot倒能行。(fish)

21.Mouth像铲子,Foot像小扇子,走路左右摆,水中划Boat(duck) 22.一物像人又像Dog,爬杆上Tree是能手。擅长模仿人动作,Home里没有山里有。(monkey)

23.Ears像蒲扇,Body像小山,Nose长又长,帮人把活干。(elephant) 24.Small small 金坛子,装着金饺子。Eat掉金饺子,吐出White子。(orange)

25.BearBear smallCatCat big. Bamboo是食粮,密林中Home(panda)

26.小溪里Walking,池塘里Sleeping,江河里Running, 海洋里Dancing. water

27.Red flowers, White flowers.In the flowers, there is a small dancer. (butterfly)

28.What animal wears big black glasses in its face? (panda) 29.A tree has five 枝杈,一起Work,从不分Home(hand)

30.个子不Tall,肚子BigBook在肚子里,古今中外全都有。(shelf) 31.长在山区树枝丫,Girls把它采回Home炒熟泡在Water里,有Red也有Green(tea)

32.Five brothers,高矮不齐,Name不同,靠在一起。(fingers) 33.What falls often but never gets hurt(受伤)?(snow/rain)

34.What can go around the earth(地球) without rockets(火箭)? (moon)

35.What is the end of everything? (Gg)

36.What goes up and never comes down? (your age)

37.What is yours, but is used more by others than you? (your name)

38.What has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes, tells but not talk? (clock)

39.What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty? (blackboard)

40.Body is white, Christmas出现。What is it? (snow) 41.What has four legs and one back, but can’t walk? (chair)

42.If you look at me, I look at you,too. If you speak to me, I can’t answer you. (mirror)

43.Which fish is rich(有钱的)? (goldfish) 44.Which month has 28 days? (every month)

45.Red cock, green tailBody钻在Soil 下。你要Catch它,抓住Tail pull. (carrot)

46.Sometimes it looks like a boat. Sometimes it looks like a big round plate. What is it? (moon)

47.I can’t walk. I can’t fly. I can swim. What am I? (fish) 48.What letter is a part of the head? (Ii)

49.Which four letters are the thief(小偷)afraid of? (O, I, C, U) 50.Eyes like a cat. Tail like a cat. But isn’t a cat. (tiger)

51.What goes on four legs in the morning, on two at noon, and on three in the evening(people/person)

52.Short个子,桌上Stand。找Book看,他作伴。我要Sleep,他先Close the eyes. (lamp)

53.What is white when it is dirty? (blackboard)

54.What has a round face and two thin handsone hand is short, the other one is long(clock)

55.What kind of dog doesn’t bite(咬)or bark(吠)? (hot dog) 56.I am white, you can drink me. (milk)

57.I am small. I can fly. I like singing in the sky. What am I? (bird)

58.What has four legs but can’t walk? (desk/table/chair) 59.Which letter is not me? (Uu)

60.Where should the milk be best stored(贮存)? (in a cow) 61.From which number can one take half and leave nothing? (8) 62.She has red eyes and long ears. What is she? (rabbit)

63.Which room has no walls, no doors, no windows, and no floors? (mushroom)

64.Which season is the most dangerous(危险) one? (fall)

65.Two little brothers. One lives on one side. The other on the other side.They can hear what you say. But they do not see each other. (ears)

66.Have no colour, Have no taste. Can not be tasted, Can not be caught.(抓住) Life would 当个宝, What is it? (air)

67. Wear green clothes, In the stomach 水汪汪, 生的sons 多又多, 都是 black face. (watermelon) 68.A fruit looks like eyes. (grapes)

69.Take off my skin , I will not cry. But you will. Who am I? (onion)

70.They are the biggest animals in the world. (whale) 71.What has a neck, but no head? (bottle) 72.Which letter is an insect? (Bb)

