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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《u3》,欢迎阅读!


After he graduated from university he decided not to rely on his parents any longer but to shift for himself.


Most of the audience were dazzled with the female candidate’s gaining a livelihood in various vacations before she earned her reputation.

3.从商失败多次后,他相信自己如果不换行将一事无成. (amount)

Having failed many times in business, he was sure he would amount to nothing if he didn’t change his vocation.

4. 当听说自己的足球队输了这场决赛的时候, 球迷们深感绝望。 give oneself When they heard that their football team had lost the match the fans gave themselves up to despair.

5. 在除夕夜, 全家通常聚集一堂, 又唱又跳, 辞旧迎新. (gather)

On New Year’s Eve, the whole family usually gather indoors, singing and dancing to see the old year out and the new year in.

6. 读完姑妈的来信, 我才意识到她是那么地关心我. ( read)

I didn’t realize how much she cared about me until I read the letter from my aunt. 7. 这名年轻记者因为勤奋聪敏受到了主编的高度赞扬. (praise)

The young journalist won high praise from the chief editor due to his diligence and intelligence.

8. 他向保险公司申请索赔由于骤雨而造成的损失. ( compensate)

The insurance company will compensate for your loss. He claimed to the insurance company for his damage / loss caused by the sudden rain. 9. 他本出于好心帮我提包, 结果错拎了别人的包. ( out of)

He had helped me carry the bag out of kindness, but mistook other’s for mine at last. 10. 老师建议学生们把这首诗作为整体来欣赏. ( as a whole) The teacher suggested that the students appreciate the poem as a whole. 11.他大学毕业后就结婚了, 那时他只有20. ( when)

He got married after graduating from university, when he was only 20 years. 1. 英语学得糟糕的原因是因为他太注重语法而不是词汇。(emphasis; rather) The reason why he was poor in English is that he put too much emphasis on grammar rather than on vocabulary.


The most serious problem many people are talking about focuses on lack of adequate living space.

3.让大家失望的是,这个新当选的市长所做的远不能让人满意。(far To everyone’s disappointment, what the newly elected mayor has done is far from (being) satisfactory.

4.在一个讲英语的环境中,用不了多久你的英语口语就会突飞猛进。(it… In an environment where English is spoken, it won’t take you long to make/it won’t be long before you makes rapid progress in your spoken English. 5. 随着时间的流逝,他的理论证明是值得检验的。(prove

With time going on/by (As time went on/by), his theory proved to be worth testing. 6. 如果这些珍稀物种想要生存下来,必须采取强有力的措施制止人类为了经济获益破坏他们的栖息地。(be to

If these rare species are to survive, dramatic measures must be taken to stop human beings from destroying their habitats for financial gain.

7. 如果你对这位诗人的生活背景一无所知,就很难欣赏这首诗。(unless) Unless you know something about the life background of the poet, it will be difficult for you to appreciate the poem,.

8. 毋容置疑,许多珍稀物种数量的削减应归咎于人类。(blame There is no doubt that man is to blame for the decline in the number of many rare species.

9. 就运用的可能性而言,这项医学发现还有待改进。(term)

In terms of the possibility of application, this medical discovery remains to be improved.

10. 在处理废旧电池的问题上,我们俩的观点不谋而合。(happen) We happened to have the same opinion about how to deal with waste batteries. 11. 考虑到学生不能合理使用零花钱,他提出一个建议请教授给学生做理财问题的讲座。(invite

Considering / Given (the fact) that students can’t make proper use of their pocket money, he put forward/raised/made a suggestion that a professor should be invited to give the students a lecture on money management.


Having adequate background knowledge and learning about the cultural differences can help us interpret the speech and behavior of different people in different countries so as to avoid cultural shocks.


This newly developed branch of science has the potential for making use of many functions of living things to improve people’s life.

14. 年轻人越接触财经议题,他们就对理财越有意识,也就越有责任感。(The

more…, the more…

The more exposed to financial issues young people are, the more conscious they are aware of money management and the better sense of responsibility they have. 15.说实话,他根本不知道自己卷入这起银行抢劫案中。(ignorant To tell the truth, he is totally ignorant of being involved in this bank robbery. 16.说到理财,很多接受调查的学生认为这是与自己无关的事。(nothing When it comes to money management, many students surveyed think it has nothing

