
2023-02-03 21:07:20   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英语励志格言20句》,欢迎阅读!


1The secret of suess is constancy to purpose. 成功的秘诀在于对目标的忠实。

2Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow. 今日事今日毕!

3Only they who fulfill their duties in everyday matters will fulfill them on great oasions. 只有在日常生活中尽责的人才会在重大时刻尽责。 4Nothing is impossible! 没有什么不可能!

5Keep on going never give up. 勇往直前, 决不放弃!

6If your world doesn't allow you to dream, move to one where you can.--BILLY IDOL


7A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到懊悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。

8Our destiny offers not the cup of despair , but the chalice of opportunity . (Richard Nixon, American President) 命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是时机之杯。(美国总统 克松 . R.)

9Wasting time is robbing oneself.


10Never underestimate your power to change yourself! 永远不要低估你改变自我的能力!

11While there is life there is hope. 一息假设存,希望不灭。

12A man can't ride your back unless it is bent. 你的腰不弯,别人就不能骑在你的背上。

13Progress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow . (Emerson, American thinker)

进步是今天的活动、明天的保证。 (美国思想家 爱默生) 14The wealth of the mind is the only wealth. 精神的财富是唯一的财富。

15Victory won''t e to me unless I go to it. 胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。 16You have to believe in yourself . That''s the secret of suess.


17A man's best friends are his ten fingers. 人最好的朋友是自己的十个手指。

18I have nothing to offer but blood , toil tears and sweat . (Winston Churchill, British Politician)

我所能奉献的没有其它,只有热血、辛劳、眼泪与汗水。(英国政治家 丘吉尔 . W.)

19Don't aim for suess if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will e naturally. 如果你

