
2022-03-19 12:00:17   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《派遣函(模板)》,欢迎阅读!

Sample: Dispatch Letter


The letter should be printed on the company letter head. 请采用含公司抬头的公文信笺.. The date of the letter issued 派遣函签发日期. To

Visa Officer,

South AfricaEmbassy in Beijing 致南非驻北京大使馆

Sub: Dispatch Letter for (Name of the applicant and his designation) 主题:xx申请人的派遣函(含申请人的名字和职位) Dear Sir,

Company profile: Please briefly explain about the company in China and the products you are dealing in.

中方公司的简介: 请简单地介绍中方公司在中国的概况和经营的产品。 We are invited by

The name of the inviting company and its address where the applicant is going to visit . 我们被某某公司邀请去参观(请指明邀请公司名称和地址)

Applicants personal detail including the full name, passport number, designation in Chinasalary etc.


Purpose of the visit of applicant in detail mentioning their work schedule and profile while in South Africa.


How long will the applicant stay in South Africa and when will s/he come back to China. 访问起止日期

Details about the accommodation and living expense (who will be the expense sponsor, guarantee that the person whole abide by the local laws and regulations when visiting South Africa and return on schedule.) 访问邀请国期间的费用情况, 如公司是否承担该行程的费用, 并且保证申请人在邀请国会遵守当地的法律法规和按时回国等) Thanking you.谢谢.

Signature签名(公司负责人或派遣者的亲笔签名 ) Print Name签字人的打印名字(拼音) Designation签字人的职位

Company address and contact numbers 公司地址和联系电话.

Stamp of the Chinese company. 中方公司的原件公章

