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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《八年级下英语3、4、5单元翻译句子全》,欢迎阅读!


1. 托尼,你能帮忙做几件事吗?Tonycould you piease help out with a few things? 2. 反正我觉得干点家务也不太难。And anyway,I think doing chores is not so difficuit. 3. 孩子们越早学会独立,对他们的未来就越好。

The earlier kids learn to be independent,the better it is for their future.

4. 因为妈妈随时都会买完东西回来。Because mom will be back from shopping any minute now. 5. 在家中给他们提供一个干净、舒适的环境是家长们的事情。

It is the parents’job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children. 6. 我一坐在电视机前,我妈妈就走过来。

The minute I sat down in front of the TV,my mom came over. = My mom came over as soon as I sat down in front of the TV. 7. 我和你一样累!我喊道。Im just as tired as you are!I shouted back.

8. 我们看完电影能卖一些喝的吗?Could we get something to drink after the movie? 9. 我讨厌做家务。I hate to do chores.=I dislike doing chores.

10. 孩子们这些天已经有许多来自学校的压力。Kids these days already have enough stress from school. 11. 没必要去做它。Theres no need for them to do it now.

12. 做家务帮助提高孩子的独立性。Doing chores helps to develop childrens independence.

13. 我认为对孩子来说学习如何做家务很重要。I think its important for children to learn how to do chores. 14. 你能买一些饮料给我们吗?Could you buy some drinks for us?

15. 我不擅长游泳,他也不擅长。Im not good at swimming,neither is he.

16. 我爸爸不喜欢喜剧,我妈妈也不喜欢。My father dislikes comedies,so does my mother. 17. 这本书你可以借两周。You can keep the book for two weeks.

18. 我不喜欢向别人借东西。I dont like to borrow things from others.

19. 不要把你的钱借给这个懒惰的男人。Dont lend your money to the lazy man.

20. 好乱啊!你要马上清理你的房间。What a mess!You should clean up your bedroom at once. 21. 对不起,我要去从事它。Sorry,Im doing to work on it. 22. 一年的最后一天On the lasy day of the year. 23. 请向我们提供一些信息。

Please provide us with some information.= Please provide some information for us. 24. 这个小男孩主动让出他的座位给老人在拥挤的公车上。 The little boy offered his seat to the old man on the crowded bus.

25. 你能照顾我的狗当我离开时吗?Can you take care of my dog when I an away? 26. 我到电影院很早,所以得到一个好座位。

I arrived at the theater early so that I could get a good seat.= I arrived at the theater early in order to get a good seat. 27.昨天晚上他病倒了。He fell ill last night.

28.结果,他成为一位知名作家。As a result,he became a famous writer. 29.我们是否出去野餐将会由天气而定。

Whether we will go on a picnic will depend on the weather. 30.要我给你指示路吗?你真是太善良了。

Would you like me to show you the way?Thats very kind of you.

31.学生们正忙于打扫地板。The students are working on sweeping the floor.(work on doing) 32.汤姆和杰克都不喜欢洗盘子。Neither Tom nor Jack likes doing the dishes.(就近原则) 33.我们要把爱传递给我们周围的人。We should pass our love to others around.

34.他取出一些钱递给那个老人。He took out some money and passed it to the old man. 35.我上学时经过了一家银行。I passed a bank when I went to school.


1. 尽管他做的不对,但不是什么大事。Although shes wrong,its not a big deal.

2. 你想和我们待在一起,看看事情如何得以解决?Do you want to stay with us to see how things work out? 3. 或许我可以减掉他们几个活动。Maybe I could cut out a few of their activities. 4. 他们经常争吵,我真的不喜欢这样。They fight a lot,and I really dont like it. 5. 人们不该对自己孩子逼得太紧。People shouldnt push their kids so hard. 6. 露西应该鞭策自己再加把劲了。Lucy should push herself a little harder. 7. 我有太多作业以至于我没有许多空闲时间做我喜欢的。

I have too much homework so I dont have any free time to do things Ilike. 8.我和我最好的朋友打了一架。I got into a fight with my best friend.

9.我真的很累因为我昨天学习直到深夜。Im really tired bacause I studied until midnight last night. 10.为什么你今天晚上不早点睡觉?Why don't you go to sleep ealier this evening?

11.你应该打电话给他所以你可以说对不起。You should call him so that you can say youre sorry. 12.你能向我解释这道数学题吗?Can you explain to me how to work out this math problem? 13.我父母之间关系很困难。Relatins between my parents have become difficult. 14.当他们争吵,就像有一个大的、黑的乌云笼罩在我们家。 When they argue,its like a big ,black cloud hanging over our home.

15.他却在晚上看他任何想看的直到深夜。Instead he watch whatever he wants until late at night. 16.我希望不久后事情对你来说好起来。I hope things will be better for you soon. 17,尽管他是你最好的朋友,你仍应该告诉他抄袭别人的作业是不对的。

Although hes your best friend, you should still tell him that copying others homework is wrong. 18,你只需做你自己!You should just be yourself!

19.你们应该都帮助彼此提高。You should all be helping each other to improve.

20.你不需要和同学竞争来取得好成绩。You shouldnt compete with your classmates to get better grades. 21.我父母给我许多关于学校的压力。My parents give me a lot of pressure about school. 22.他们中的许多人学习考试技巧以至于他们能进入一个好高中和之后一个好大学。

Many of them are learning exam skills so that they can get into a good high school and later a good university. 23.放学后大多数天里On most days after school


In some families,competition starts very young and continues until the kids get older.

25.所有这些活动能引起很多心理压力给孩子。All these activities can cause a lot of stress for children. 26.为什么他们不只让他们的孩子只做孩子?Why dont they just let their kids be kids?

27.你需要坚持尝试和他说话直到他和你说话。You should keep trying to talk to her until she talks to you. 28.我父母不允许我和朋友们一起出去闲逛。My parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends. 29.让我感到惊讶的是,海滩上有这么多人。To my surprise,there were so many people on the beath. 30.我没有足够的钱买票。I have no enough money to buy a ticket?

31让我替你擦黑板吧。Let me clean the blackboard instead of you.(instead+doing) 32.他可能来自日本。He may be from Japan.=Maybe he is from Japan.

33.他是个固执的男孩,他从不倾听他人。He is a pushy boy,He never listens to others.

34.你做任何事,你应该向父母征询一下意见。Whatever you do,you should ask your parents for some advice. 35.汤姆拒绝像哥哥说对不起。Tom refused to say sorry to his brother.

36.我姐姐和她同学关系相处得好。My sister gets on well with her classmates.

37.尽管他生病了,他去工作像平时一样。Although she was ill,she went to work as usual

38约翰总是总是抄他哥哥的作业。John is always copying his brothers homework.Thats not good for him. 39.在老师的帮助下,我算出了这道题。I worked out this problem with the help of our teacher. 40.It is said that据说It is reported that据报道



Although he looked through the notes,he was afraid of speaking in front of people. 2.外面没有光亮,感觉就像半夜一样。With no light outside,it felt like midnight.

3.本的爸爸正放几块木头靠在窗户上,同时他妈妈在确认手电筒和收音机都能正常使用。 Bens dad was putting pieces of wood over the window while his mother was making sure the flashlights and radio were working.


Most Americans remember what they were doing when the World Trade Center in New York was taken down by terrorists.

5.她记得当时自己在距两座塔楼不远的办公室工作。She remembers working in her office near the two towers. 6.我正忙着找伞所以没看到一辆车开来。I was so busy looking for the unbrella that I didnt see a car coming. 7.我的闹钟没响所以我起晚了。My alarm didnt go off so I got up late.

8.我冲了个热水澡并吃了热乎的早餐。I took a hot shower and ate some warm food. 9.当雨下大时我正在等车。I was waiting for the bus when it began to rain heavily. 10.我跑向车站但我仍然错过了公交车。I ran to the bus stop but I still missed the bus.

11.当暴风雨突然来临时你在做什么?What were you doing when the rainstorm suddenly came? 12.我八点再次打来但你还是没接。I called again at eight and you didnt answer then either 13.本能听见强风在他家外面吹。Ben could hear strong winds outside his home. 14.乌云是天空变得非常黑暗。Black clouds were making the sky very dark. 15.当雨开始重重地敲打在窗户上,本开始帮他妈妈做晚餐。

Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain bagan to beat heavily against the windows. 16.但很难开心伴随着一个大暴风雨发生在外面。

But it was hard to have fun with a serious storm happening outside. 17当早上3点左右风变弱时,本最终睡着了。

Ben finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down at around3:00a.m..

18.倒塌的树木,破碎的窗户和垃圾到处都是。Fallen trees,broken windows and rubbish were everywhere. 19.尽管暴风雨是许多东西支离破碎,但他让家人和邻居之间更近了。

Although the storm broke many things apart,it brought families and neighbors closer together. 20.我们怎样帮助他人在困难时?How can we help each other in times of difficulty? 21.打开收音机turn on the radio 带车去洗车的地方take the car to the car wash 22.我哥哥和我立刻出来看一看。My brother and I went out right away to have a look. 23.当我们到事故地点时,车以很难看的姿势撞在树上。

When we got to the place of the accident,the car was in bad shape from hitting a tree. 24.凯特仍奋力地前往学校。Kate was still making her way to school. 25我起初不相信他,然后我看向窗外并理解到哪是真的。

I didnt believe him at first,but then I looked out of the window and realize that it was true.

26. My parents were completely shocked .They did not talk after that and we finished the rest of our dinner in silence. 27.当我将他只给我朋友,它不见了。When I pointed it out to my friends,it went away. 28其他人也看到了光亮。Other people had seen the light as well()

29公布call out我生命中最开心的一天the happiest day of my life.偶尔做某事happen to do

昨天的这时at this time yesterday 浅蓝light blue挡住我的光亮stand in my light保持沉默keep silent 30.他赢得了一等奖。He won the first prize.. 当铃声响起时when the bell rang 31我现在什么都不想吃I feel like eating nothing now. 完全错了completely wrong 32.支持做某事be for doing 反对做某事be against doing 打对抗赛play against

