my hometown英语作文(精选)

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my hometown英语作文(精选)

hometown -- fuqing!蓝天是白云的家,森林是小鸟的家,小河是鱼儿的家,

Is the blue sky white clouds, forest is the home of the birds, 海洋是贝壳的家 … …而人杰地灵,风光秀丽,物华天宝的福清就是我的家the river is the home of the fish, the sea is the home of the shells... 乡。我的家乡风景优美,有清澈的小河,河边长满了绿色的小草,像是在透And beautiful, and beautiful scenery, fuqing wuhuatianbao is my 明的绿玻璃外围铺上了一片天然的地毯,河中还安装了音乐喷泉,水柱会随hometown.My hometown is beautiful scenery, there are clear river, the river full of green grass, like in the transparent green glass covered with a piece of natural carpet, in the river have installed the music fountain, water column will dance with the music, a high and low for a while, a moment is fast, slow, fantastic! At night, the broad road, large and small cars, coming and going, flow.My hometown is fuqing and there are many specialty! Loquat is delicious and tasty, and sweet, crisp pear, sweet, green watermelon and sweet and round longan, I like the round and sweet longan.If you come to the fuqing, hospitable FuQingRen will offer the most delicious specialty let you eat enough.Both of the color dim, near the plants and also can ‘t see, we ‘ll see the air have flash light. The night sky light jade-like stone wafts of fireflies. They are only would fly a small lantern, great.You said my hometown is beautiful not beautiful? I love my

音乐舞动,一会儿高,一会儿低,一会儿快,一会儿慢,好看极了!到了晚上,宽宽的马路上,大大小小的汽车,来来往往,川流不息。我的家乡福清还有很多特产呢!有又美味又可口的枇杷,和又甜又脆的梨子,又甜又绿的西瓜和又圆又甜的龙眼,我最喜欢又圆又甜的龙眼了。你要是来到了福清来,热情好客的福清人准会献上最好吃的特产让你吃个够。当天色渐渐暗下俩,近处的花草也看不清的时候,我们就会看到空中有一闪一闪的亮光。那是夜空中轻莹飘来的萤火虫。他们仿佛是一只只会飞得小灯笼,漂亮极了。你们说我的家乡美不美?我爱我的家乡 —福清!

