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children. In Chinese tradition, more kids, more better, but I think two are perfect for the family. 在我的家庭,只有三个人,我的父母和我。由于父母的工作,他们






们认为他们负担重。不考虑花费, 生二孩有许多好处。首先,独生子女有伴,



高考英语作文范文加翻译100字篇1 In my family, there are only three


people, my parents and I. because of my parents work, they could only have one


child at that time, so I dont have any siblings. I felt so lonely when my parents

高考英语作文范文加翻译100字篇2 As a Senior Grade Three students, I

went out for their work. Now the government changed their policy, people can

am very busy in preparing for the college entrance examination. I have seven

have the second child. But some people refuse because they think they cant afford

classes a day, and two self-study classes at night. And only a day left for the

it. Despite the expense, there are many advantages to have the second child. For

weekend. So, most of the time I have to spend on the study, after all the college

one thing, the only child can have someone company, so they wont feel lonely on

entrance examination is very important for almost all of us. Aside of study, I would

the process of growing up. For another thing, two kids will help each other, they

play football with my friends after school and the weekend. I like playing football

can share things together. Learning to share things is a very important lesson for

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very much. When I run on the football field, I can put the examination thing off my mind for a while, only sweat and laugh left. It is a good exercise for health and a good way to relax from the busy study too. This is my high school life, busy and fulfilling.

作为一个高三的同学,我忙于为高考做预备。我一天有7节课,还有两节晚自习。周末只剩下一天。所以,我把大部分时间都花在学习上,究竟高考对我们大多数人来说都非常重要。除了学习,我会在放学后以及周末跟我的伴侣一起踢足球。我特别喜爱踢足球。当我在足球场上奔跑的时候,我可以临时将考试的事情抛之脑后,只剩下汗水和欢乐。这对健康是个很好的熬炼,也是一个学习之余很好的放松方式。这就是我的高中生活,劳碌而充实。 高考英语作文范文加翻译100字篇3 Since I go to school, it is important to take the high score, because not only my parents feel very happy, but also my teacher will give me special attention. It seems that high score is the main goal for every students. It has been long recognized that foreign students are good at

practising while our students are good at getting the high mark. Score and ability which is more important, I think the latter is more useful. The things we learn should be prepared for our future. The students are in the stage of storing knowledge, when they meet challenges someday, they can have the ability to solve the problems. Having the ability to solve problems by oneself reflects the person is independent and he has already grown up. Thats what education chase for. 自从我去上学起,考高分是很重要的,由于不仅我的父母会感到特别兴,而且我的老师会赐予我特殊的关注。好像,高分是每个同学的主要目标。始终以来,人们就熟悉到外国同学擅长实践,而我们的同学擅长获得高分。分数和力量哪个更重要,我认为后者更有用。我们学习的东西应当为我们的将来做好预备。同学处在存储学问的阶段,总有一天,当他们遇到挑战的时候,他们可以有力量解决这些问题。拥有自行解决问题的力量反映了一个人是独立的,他已经长大了。这就是教育所追求的。

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