
2022-03-20 10:11:59   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英语阅读文章》,欢迎阅读!

A Rat’s Foreign Language

The mother rat and her babies are playing in the garden. A fat cat is coming to catch them for dinner.

The mother rat and her babies try to run away. But the baby rats can’t run very fast. The cat is getting closer and closer. Suddenly, the mother rat stops running and turns around. She shouts at the cat like an angry dog, “Woof, woof, woof.” The cat is afraid and runs away.

The mother rat turns to her babies, and says, “You see how important it is to learn a foreign language.”

注解:foreign外国的 language语言 catch them for dinner抓它们当晚餐 get closer and closer(变得)越来越近 woof(狗叫声)汪汪



1. A fat cat is coming to catch the rats for dinner. 2. The mother rat and baby rats try to run away. 3. The baby rat shouts like an angry dog.

4. The mother rat and baby rats get help from a dog.

5. The cat is not afraid and does not run away. (afraid害怕的)

It Is Part of the Game

Mom is washing plates in the kitchen. Kate and her brother Dave are playing games in the living room. Kate is making a lot of noise. Mom says, “Kate, why do you yell and scream so much? You’re going to wake up your grandma. Please play quietly like Dave. See,he doesn’t make a sound. “Of course, he doesn’t. Mom, it’s part of the game we are playing. He is daddy coming home late, and I’m you.”

注解:game游戏 make noise 吵闹 yell叫喊 scream尖叫 wake up 吵醒,醒



1. Kate and Dave are playing games in the living room. 2. Mom asks Kate why she is so quiet. 3. Dave doesn’t make a sound.

4. Dave is “daddy coming home late” . 5. Kate is “her mom” .

