
2022-12-29 17:02:13   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《创新英语大赛口语试题题目》,欢迎阅读!



1.What do you always do to realize a low carbon society(低碳社会)?

2.How do you think of this competition? Give us some suggestions.

3.Some people are always pursuing famous brands(品牌)nowadays.What do you think? 4.Do you think watching TV too much is a waste of time? why B

1.If you can, will you consider about going abroad to study after you graduate from high school? Why?

2.What do you think of programs such as SUPER VOICE GIRL & HAPPY BOY?

3.The world cup brings passion to the whole world. What’s your opinion on China’s not capable of attending such a splendid event(精彩赛事)?

4.Do you participate in this contest voluntarily (自愿地)or somebody forced you to do so? What do you think of this contest C

1.Have you considered being a teacher in the future? If you were one of your teachers, what will you do to make your students better?

2.Talk about the most unforgettable match you watched or even experienced.

3.Do you think participating in English speaking contests is a good way to improve your English? In your opinion, what is the best way?

4.Do you think there is a generation gap between you and your parentsWhy do you think so D

1.What do you do to improve your oral English in your daily study? 2.Who’s your favorite star? Why? 3.Do you enjoy traveling? Why?

4.Do you remember your parents’ birthday? How do you celebrate


1.What do your family do to save water and electricity 2.Do you think health is more important than money? Why?

3.Imagine that you are going to Canada to study for a whole year, what do you expect to learn there? Any plan?

4.Which song do you like best? Why?


1.An old man who you admire 2.Charity work(慈善工作) 3.Changes in the future

4.An experience of helping others 5.A childhood toy

6.It is normal in our country that people have their own garden in their house? What do you think people like to plant in their garden, blooms, trees or vegetables? Did you ever plant any blooms? 7.Do you think music is important to People/children? Why? What are some benefits for children to learn musical instrument?

8.A game you played when you were a child. 9.A piece of good news you received by telephone. 10.A Newspaper or Magazine Article

11.Descript a historical place? Where? What is it? How People go there?

12.Compare and contrast the three ways of communication: e-mail /writing /telephone

13.What’s your favorite dish? Who is the best cook among the people around you? Who cooks in your family? Do you cook? Is it necessary for everyone to learn to cook? Why? 14.Describe a person who helped you in an important way?

