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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《母亲节的由来》,欢迎阅读!

母亲节的由来:Mother's day

The first celebrations in honor of mothers were held in the spring in ancient Greece. They paid tribute to Rhea, the Mother of the Gods. In the United States, Julia Ward Howe suggested the idea of Mother's Day in 1872. Howe saw Mother's Day as being dedicated to peace. Anna Jarvis is credited with bringing about the official observance of Mother's Day in the USA.

最早为母亲们庆祝节日是在古希腊的时候。庆祝活动在春天举行,人们向众神之母莉娅献祭。 在美国朱莉娅··荷于1872年提出了母亲节的建议。荷把母亲节当作是对和平的贡献。安娜·查维丝为母亲节成为美国官方节日做出了努力。

In 1910, West Virginia became the first state to recognize Mother's Day. A year later, nearly every state officially marked the day. In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson officially proclaimed Mother's Day as a national holiday to be held on the second Sunday of May.


Today many celebrations of Mother's Days are held throughout the world. Although they do not all fall at the same time, such countries as Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia and Belgium also celebrate Mother's Day on the same day as the United States.


Don't forget Mother's Day. Make your Mom breakfast in bed, buy her a bunch of flowers and some chocolates and, most importantly, tell her how much you love and respect her.


M - O - T - H - E - R

"M" is for the million things she gave me, "O" means only that she's growing old, "T" is for the tears she shed to save me, "H" is for her heart of purest gold; "E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining, "R" means right, and right she'll always be,

Put them all together, they spell"MOTHER,"A word that means the world to me.


“M”代表她给予我的一切, “O”代表她温柔的拥抱, “T”代表她想要教会我的东西, “N”代表她金子般纯洁的心灵, “E”代表她充满慈爱的目光, “R”的意思是她永远代表正义,


