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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《查询用英语怎么说》,欢迎阅读!



查询的英语说法1 query

查询的英语说法2 inquiry

查询相关英语表达: 空间查询 Spatial query 注册查询 Registration queries 位置查询 Point Location 选择查询 Select query 查询服务 Enquiry Service 查询对象 Query Object 插入查询 Insert query 查询的英语例句:

1. For details of the nearest performance look in the local listings magazines.

欲知离自己最近的演出的详情,请查询当地文娱预告杂志。 2. Some banks charge if you access your account to determine your balance.


3. It's got a number you can ring to query your bill. 这上面有一个号码,您可以打电话查询您的账单。

4. The tourist office operates a useful room-finding service. 这家旅游办事处提供十分实用的住宿查询服务。 5. I have failed to reach them by postal inquiries. 我未能通过邮政查询与他们取得联系.

6. He enquired for the book in a bookstore. 他在书店查询那本书.

7. We received an avalanche of inquiries. 人们纷纷来电或来函查询,我们实在应接不暇.

8. All information systems that have been fitted at Ashford station have now been destroyed by vandals.


9. If you are unable to obtain the information you require, consult your telephone directory.


10. Then Mr. Kamenar, acting on a hunch, ran a computer check at the Federal Election Commission.


11. In order for their computers to trace a person's records, they need both the name and address of the individual.

在他们的电脑上查询个人记录,需要提供被查询人的姓名和地址。 12. I rang up to inquire about train times. 我打了电话查询列车时刻。

13. Please hold on while I check your seat status. 请等一下,我帮您查询您的座位状况.

14. For example, this problem crops up frequently when querying databases.

例如,在查询数据库时, 这一问题频频出现.

15. Instead, a single query brings us everything we are looking for.

相反, 只要一个查询就会找到需要的所有信息.

