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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《公正的英语名言》,欢迎阅读!


1、公正的法律限制不了好的自由,因为好人不会去做法律不允许的事情。 Fair laws do not restrict good freedom, because good people do not do things that are not permitted by law.


Justice must not only be done, but also be seen in order to be convincing.

3、这很不公平,我知道。但生活经常就是这样,不公平,不公正,还有一点残忍。 It's very unfair, I know. But life is often like this, unfair, unfair, and a little cruel.


Only from the standpoint of poverty and happiness can a person become a just and wise observer of life.


The persuader should be conscientious, impartial and strict, and set an example. He should not disguise his mistake for public or private reasons. Otherwise, why should he serve others?

6、命运是公正的,他知道你的极限,不会把你承受不了的苦难强加给你。 Fate is just. He knows your limits and won't impose on you the suffering you can't bear.


Even superstars will encounter unfair evaluation in the process of rising and falling.

8、在很多时候,公平公正不是外界给予的,而是由自己创造出来的。 In many cases, fairness and justice are not given by the outside world, but created by oneself.

9、少数人渴望自由,多数人只希望有个公正的主人。 A few people yearn for freedom, but most people only want a just master. 10、谁也不会在审理自己的案件时当一名公正的法官。 No one will be a fair judge in his own case. 11在绝对的权力和财富面前,所谓的公正和法律,只是那些高位者的借口! In the face of absolute power and wealth, the so-called justice and law are just excuses for those high-ranking people! 12、凡是解释越简单的法律,也就是也公正的法律。

The simpler the law is interpreted, the more just it is. 13、我可以原谅所有的人,除了不公正、不人道和忘恩负义。

I can forgive everyone except injustice, inhumanity and ingratitude. 14、以端正的态度对待世界世界会还你一个公正。 Treating the world with a correct attitude will give you a fair return.



It doesn't matter who is right or who is wrong. Let time finally make a fair decision.


I only remember that you are the noble and just devil, but forget that you are my lover, the other half of my soul.


Only when a person has a purity habit can he turn the protection of equality and justice into his instinct.


It's not how much I have to pay, but what about my justice and reputation.


The world will never lose justice, because in our hearts, there is a moral balance.


I firmly believe. Above law and morality. There are higher ones. A fairer trial. That is human conscience.


I have created law and justice in this land, and I have made people happy in this time.

22、公平公正的尸体一旦被抬出来,偏执邪恶的幽灵就会乘机附在上面。 Once the fair and just corpse is lifted out, the paranoid evil spirit will take the opportunity to attach to it. 23、幸福没有机会又何来公正?

How can happiness be just without opportunity?


Conscience is the most impartial judge for everyone. You can deceive others, but you can never deceive your own conscience. 25只有时间能够聚集起足够的判断力,对一个事物的价值给出客观公正的评价。

Only time can gather enough judgment to give an objective and fair evaluation of the value of a thing.


Time is the most impartial judge, temporary disgrace, let alone as a lie, only the hand of the wind, playing the wilderness string. 27法律的目的是对受法律支配的一切人公正地运用法律,借以保护和救济无辜者。

The purpose of law is to protect and relieve the innocent by impartially applying the law to all persons under the control of law.



Just God, aren't you taking enough from me? When did you become so greedy?


The truth will emanate from unfair appearances. 30、仁爱先从自己开始,公正先从别人开始。

Kindness begins with oneself, justice begins with others. 31、有人帮你,是你的幸运,无人帮你,是命运的公正。

It's your luck to have someone to help you. No one to help you is the justice of fate.

32、对别人不公正的评价你可以反唇相讥,但也可以不以为然。 You can criticize others for their unfair evaluation, but you can also disapprove of it.


All judgments are generally cowardly and unfair. 34如果你在不公正的情形下保持中立,那你其实已经选择站在压迫者一边。 If you remain neutral in an unfair situation, you have actually chosen to stand on the side of the oppressor.


Open trade-offs between fairness, fairness and then fairness. This should be the order.


You are lucky to be helped by others, but not just by fate.


