
2022-08-24 20:51:23   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《元宵节常用词语的英文说法》,欢迎阅读!

下面就向大家介绍一些元宵节常用词语的英文说法: the Lantern Festival 元宵节 rice glue ball 元宵,汤圆 glutinous rice 糯米

lions/dragons dancing 舞龙/舞狮

guess lantern riddles 猜灯谜

play couplets game 对对联

enjoy beautiful lanterns 赏花灯 snuff 灯花

bloomers/galligaskins/knickers/pantalettes 灯笼裤

lantern/scaldfish 灯笼

beacon/lighthouse/pharos 灯塔

kerosene/lamp oil 灯油 damselfly 灯心蜻蜓

exhibit of lanterns 灯会

dragon lantern dancing 耍龙灯

walking on stilts 踩高跷

land boat dancing 划旱船

yangko/yangge dance 扭秧歌

beating drums while dancing 打太平鼓 drum dance 腰鼓舞

fireworks party 焰火大会

traditional opera 戏曲

variety show/vaudeville 杂耍

Lantern Festival's temple fair 元宵庙会

colored lanterns' temple fair


The Lantern Festival is on the 15th of the first lunar month.That night there is a full moon,and every household is decorated with colorful lanterns and prepares Yuanxiao,a kind of round dumpling make of glutinous rice flour sweet or salted fillings,which is boiled or fired.When night falls,people go into the street,where exquisite lanterns of diverse designs are hung.Some are pasted with riddles for the passers-by to solve.


