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Japan's former premier Junichiro Koizumi, known for crooning Elvis Presley songs while in office, is lending his voice to a superhero movie, reports said Tuesday.

Koizumi, 67, has provided the voiceover for the extraterrestrial hero who fights not political opponents in the Diet legislature but monsters and aliens from outer space, according to the movie's producers.

Koizumi, now retired from politics, ruled Japan for more than five years until 2006, in contrast to his three conservative successors who each quit the post of prime minister within a year.

While in office, Koizumi displayed his media savvy by singing Elvis hits during a visit to Graceland, Tennessee, with then US president George W. Bush.

His performance will be in "MegaMonsterBattle -- Ultra Galaxy," which is due to be screened in Japan on December 12. His character fires a flash of light to attack evil enemies and shouts: "Pay for your transgression!" "No one else can play this significant role except for former premier Koizumi, who once led the country," said Junko Kitazawa of Tsuburaya Production, which made the latest movie version to the TV series. Koizumi first planned to decline the request to appear in the movie but changed his mind after his son, Shinjiro, who took over his seat in parliament in the recent elections, encouraged him to accept it, reports said.

Koizumi's eldest son, Kotaro, is a professional actor.

The Ultraman television series first appeared on TV in 1966. Ultraman, a silver-suited masked hero, comes from outer planet to save the Earth from gigantic monsters.

"The Ultraman series can be enjoyed by an entire family over three generations," Koizumi told Nippon Television.


据电影制片人透露,67岁的小泉将担任影片中外星英雄的配音,不过这位外星英雄的敌人不是议会立法机关中的政治对手,而是来自外太空的怪物和外星人。 已退出政坛的小泉纯一郎任日本首相长达五年多,直到2006年才卸任,与他的三个任职不到一年就辞职的保守派继任者形成鲜明对比。




最初小泉拒绝参演这部电影,但在儿子进次郎的鼓励下,他最终接受了这一邀请。小泉进次郎在最近的日本议会选举中接替父亲,当选议员。 小泉的长子孝太郎是一名职业演员。




croon: to sing (popular songs) in a soft, sentimental manner 柔情地唱(流行歌曲等)(croon a lullaby 低声哼唱催眠曲)

voiceover: the voice of an unseen narrator, or of an onscreen character not seen speaking, in a movie or a television broadcast 画外音,旁白 extraterrestrial: originating, located, or occurring outside Earth or its atmosphere 地球之外的,外星的

Diet:a national or local legislative assembly in certain countries, such as Japan (丹麦、日本等的)议会,国会

savvy: practical understanding or shrewdness 理解能力;悟性

