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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《老师点评高考英语作文(含范文)》,欢迎阅读!


第一节 情景作文 20分〕

假设你是高三一班的学生李华,为校刊英语园地写一篇题为“Our Spring Outing 的英文稿件。 请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,表达上周你们班从准备春游到春游结束的完整过程。

注意: 词数不少于60 提示词: 游乐园 amusement park 圾箱 bin


讲故事,就必须交代“时间〔when〕〞、“地点〔where〕〞、“人物〔who〕〞。题目交代了春游时间是“上周〔last week〕〞,因此本文的动词该是“过去时态〞。考生接下来要交代“地点〔where〕〞和“人物〔who〕〞。地点显然是山里。人物是全班同学〔class members。试题已经提示“春游〞的英文表达

即“spring outing〞,因而减轻了考生的心理负担。spring可以和名词搭配,如“春花= spring flowers〞。

先看第一幅图:班上开会讨论春游方案the class members meet to discuss the spring outing plan。挺多地方可去〔a lot of interesting places for our spring outing。同学们各自发表意见〔put forward suggestions for spring outing,讲了三个去处,分别是“去游乐场〔go to an amusement park〕〞,“去公园划船〔go boating on the lake in a public park〕〞和“山间漫步〔walk in the mountains〕〞。最终,大伙选择去 walk in the mountains

接下来,看第二幅图,该图要求考生描述“爬山〞的场景:一大早〔in the early morning我们就去爬山,呼吸鲜的空气walk in the mountains to enjoy the fresh mountain air

接着看第三幅图,该图要求考生描述“爬山〞时碰到的情况:到了山上〔at the hilltop,大伙发现〔we make an unexpected find〕有很多垃圾〔there is rubbish left around everywhere如香蕉皮、空瓶子、面包屑banana skins, empty bottles and food waste。为了保持环境整洁〔to keep this site beautiful,大伙一齐捡垃圾〔collect rubbish

最后是第四副图,该图说明春游以倾倒分类垃圾告终:下山时come down the

mountains见一对可回收垃圾箱和不可回收垃圾箱there are two bins; one of them is used for recyclable waste and the other for non-recyclable于是将山上垃圾分成两堆〔sort the rubbish out into two piles,分别扔进垃圾箱〔put sth. in each bin。请同学注意each的用法:each表示“每

一个〞,后面必须跟单数。 整理四副图的文字,经过时态调整、句型安排后,有如下9句话组成的范文:

I am Li Hua in Grade One, Senior Three. Last week, the class members met to discuss the spring outing plan. We put forward suggestions for spring outing, such as going to an amusement park, going boating on the lake in a public park, or walking in the mountains. In the end, we chose to walk in the mountains. Next day, we walked in the mountains to enjoy the fresh mountain air. When we were at the hilltop, we made an unexpected find: there was rubbish left around everywhere, such as

banana skins, empty bottles, and food waste. To keep this site beautiful, we started to collect rubbish. Coming down the mountains,

we found two bins. One of them was used for recyclable waste and the other for non-recyclable; thus, we sorted the rubbish out into two piles and put them in each bin.

〔约140字〕 注:

第⑥句展示了“冒号〔:〕〞的用法,请注意模仿。我再造个例句: There is no point in worrying: bad things are sure to happen. 第⑨句展示了“分号〔;〕〞的用法,请同学模仿。我再造个例句:

All these years Tom has been working hard; hence, it is clear that he deserves rich rewards. rich rewards:丰厚回报

第⑧句的coming down the mountains是分词结构,相当于when we came down the mountains

同学切记,你们在高考英语作文时要“刻意〞展示写作根本功:比方自如使用标点符号;灵活运用如“分词结构〞语法现象。 第二节 开放作文 15分〕


In an English speech competition, you are asked to describe the following picture and explain to the judges how you understand it.



度,而看重你的语言质量。 开放作文有明显的套路可循。“开放作文〞只要求你做两件事情,一件是描述图画〔describe the following picture,另一件是阐述你对图画的看法explain how you understand it。相地,你只需要写两个段落,一段是“描述段〞,另一段是“议论段〞。

首先,我要告诉,“议论〞段的首句有个固的句式,即:In my opinion, the picture is meaningful and wonderful as well.

接着,我们谈谈“描述段〞的写法。第一句可以使用如下句式: In the

picture, there is “描述段〞的功能就是传达图画中的信息,向读者交代图画内容,所以必能使用“there be〞句型。另外,“描述段〞的另一个功用即:为第二段的议论埋下伏笔。



比方,看完这幅图画,我就想到:面露得意之色的圆规a pair of compasses仅仅原地打转,裹足不前go around in a circle而铅笔奋力前行puts its

efforts into drawing a long line,进取精神可嘉。我们该学习铅笔的进取精神follow the pencil in working hard路漫漫,他人业已上路have taken

the road,我们也不可蹉跎岁月〔stay behind to have an easy life。总

