
2022-05-20 08:10:14   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《今天是几月几号》,欢迎阅读!

PCR Lesson 20 Study Guide Part II

Objectives of this lesson

Introduce the year, month, week, day and birthday in Chinese

Step 1 Review Dates

1. Answer the following questions. Be paired and ask each other these questions.

今天是幾月幾號﹖ 昨天是星期幾﹖ 明天是幾號﹖ 你每天有中文課嗎﹖ 你星期幾沒有中文課﹖ 這個月是幾月﹖ 上個月是幾月﹖ 下個月是幾月﹖ 一年有幾個月﹖ 一個月有多少天﹖ 今年是哪一年﹖ 明年呢﹖

一九九九年十一月五號是星期幾﹖ 你的生日是幾月幾號﹖ 你的爸爸今年多大歲數﹖ 你今年多大﹖ 你兒子今年幾歲﹖

2. Classroom activities using the the form: asking the birthday.

Step 2 Use CyberChinese to study the new words and the text. The following annotated text will help you to understand the lesson.




[i in addition, what's more. Do you have more classes today?]


[給他們班上課﹕to have a class for their class, to teach that class. ]


[今天的語法你們有問題嗎﹖Regarding today's grammar, do you have any questions. This is a typical Chinese Topic sentence. 今天的語法 is the topic that we are going to talk about. 你們有問題嗎 is the Comment part. ]



[我來給你們輔導﹕I will be coming and tutoring you. I will come and give you some help. 輔導 is a verb here. You can also say 我來輔導你們﹐誰輔導你﹖The word 輔導 is not a frequently used one.]


[有空兒﹕ to have free time. 空兒 means 'free time']


四月二十八號是我的生日。我今年二十歲。 是嗎﹖祝賀你﹗

[祝賀﹕zhù, to congratulate, a very formal word.]


[舞會 w}huì a dancing party.]

[參加 c`nji`„ to join, to participate, 請您參加 to invite you to join]


[The difference between and : is a group of students, while is a classroom activity. 我們中文班 means our Chinese class, a group of students who study Chinese. 我們的中文 means our Chinese class, when we study Chinese.]


[一定ng, definitely, must be] [有意思 y0u yìsi, interesting ]

今天四月二十六號﹐星期五。四月二十八號是星期日。 好﹐我一定去。


[地址zh&, address. 我家的地址 my home address ]


Step 3 Answer the following English questions in Chinese to check your comprehension

1. Who teaches Gubo and Palanka Chinese? 2. What questions does Gubo and Palnaka have?

3. What time do Gubo and Palanka go to see Wang laoshi and what are they going to do? 4. What date is Palanka's birthday? 5. Is Wang lashi free on that day?

6. What is Palanka going to do that day?

7. What is the date today? (when this conversation happens) 8. Is Wang laoshi going to Palanka's party? 9. Does Wang laoshi know Panlanka's address?

Step 4 Do your Homework 20-2

End of Lesson 20 Study Guide Part II

