
2023-01-18 15:09:22   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《小学英语总复习-反义词、近义词、对应词、同音词》,欢迎阅读!

路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索 - 范文大全


1. 反义词 1 quick

2 laugh 3 fast 4 close closed 5 small 6 full 7 hard 8 behind 9 wrong


10 clean 11 young new 12 left 13 bottom 14 cool 15 like 16 dark 17 much 18 cheap 19 always 20 high 21 old 22 west 23 cry 24 slow 25 north 26 late


slow cry slow,slowly open open big

empty/hungry Easy/soft in front of right/correct right dirty old old right/wrong top warm dislike/hate bright/light little

expensive/dear never low new/young east laugh quick/fast south early

28 happy 29 far 30 below 31 long tall 32 in inside 33 on 34 first 35 heavy 36 old 37 few 38


empty 39 hate 40 white 41 stop 42 sit 43 yes 44 go 45 different 46 many 47 wet 48 weak 49 dear 50 cold 51 good 52 short 53


sad/unhappy near above short short out outside under last light young/new many full full like black begin/start stand no come same few dry strong cheap hot bad long/tall day

路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索 - 范文大全

27 thin 55 Ask 56 quiet 57 up 58 ill 59 Beautiful 60 easy thick/fat answer Noisy/loud down healthy ugly Hard/difficult

54 51 62 63 64 65 66

safe here win after busy interesting upstairs

dangerous there lose before free boring downstairs

2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 3. 1 2 3 4 5 6


同义词 above father kid glad fast mother below hello plane

much few small big picture movie study find 对应词 brother this these man daughter mother grandfather

on dad child happy quick mum under HI airplane many little little large photo film

learn Discover/look for sister that those woman son father grandmother

16 bike 17 under 18 evening 19 speak 20 see 21 hear 22 love 23 gift 24 laugh 25 shop 26 hate 27 learn 28 dear 29 begin 30

faster 57 tall 34 nice 8 uncle 9 morning 10 tomorrow 11 waitress 12 red 13 wife 14


bicycle below night talk/say watch/look listen like/enjoy present smile store dislike study expensive start quicker high

Good aunt evening yesterday waiter green husband boyfriend

