译林版八年级英语下册Unit 1 Task

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8B Unit 1 Past and present


Teaching Objectives:

1. describe the details of two different pictures; 2. organize ideas by using a fact file before writing; 3.write a report on the changes in their hometown;

Teaching procedures: Step 1 Before-writing 1. Lead-in

T: Great changes have taken place in our hometown. I’m really happy to see that. Let’s write a report on the changes in our hometown. Do you know how to write a good report? 2. Changes in Moonlight Town

T: Amy plans to write about the changes in Moonlight Town. She has an old picture and a recent picture of the town.

T: Look at the pictures carefully and let’s talk about the changes in Moonlight Town. Step 2 While-writing

1. Make a fact file to organize ideas

T: We have got lots of useful information about Moonlight Town. We can make a fact file to organize ideas. T: Amy organized her ideas by using a fact file. Let’s help her fill in the blanks. Topic



Life Transport




2. Complete Part C

T: Amy is writing her report on the changes in Moonlight Town. Please help her complete her report using the fact file.

3. The structure of Amy’s report Paragraph 1: Introduction Paragraphs 2-4: Main body Paragraph 5: Conclusion 4. Useful expressions

Introduction:Many changes have taken place in ... ... has changed a lot over the years.

Main body: In the past, there were only ..., but now ... Years ago, people lived .... Now people have moved ... People used to ..., but now ...

Conclusion: People are enjoying a ... life. In a word, life in ... is better now than before. 5. How to write a good report? (1) Get useful information.

(2) Find an old picture and a recent picture of your hometown. Find the differences between them. (3) Organize ideas by making a fact file. (4) Make an outline before writing.

(5) Write a report, using Amy’s article as a model. 6. How to improve the report?

T: Write a report on the changes in your hometown. Step 3 Post-writing 1. Group work

T: Work in groups and assess the reports. 2. Improve the writing

T:Try to improve your writing, using the skills you’ve just learnt. Step 4 Conclusion

T: Our hometown has become a modern city. People are living a happy life. Let’s work together to make our hometown a better place. Step5 当堂反馈,拓展迁移

请你根据下面表格中的提示,写一篇题为Changes to Yangzhou”英语短文(词数:60-80,不包括已经给出的单词) 内容要点: 过去 穷、脏,生活困.

现在 高楼林立,马路宽广,树木成荫,花草遍地,生活大为改善. 将来 更加富饶美丽 Step6 Homework

1. Improve your writing.

2. Make a poster on the changes in your hometown.

