
2022-03-31 16:15:31   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《保护环境英语作文带翻译:环保建议书》,欢迎阅读!


Dear students Hello everyone

Earth, the mother of man, the cradle of life. She has a blue expanse of the ocean, lush forests, Bicao such as silk of the wilderness; she has a fresh air, rain, gentle breeze... Is so spectacular, so amiable.

However, human beings are not filial children, to treat their own mother. They cut down trees, uncontrolled robbery limited mineral resources, make clear bottoming out of the river fish disappeared, let sweet natural air muddy; but human desires can not meet they hunt many rare animals, let the animal's fur coat, let the meat of animals as food, let the bones of animals become handicrafts, we human beings become dead animals of the biggest tomb.

It is human beings that have been made to get revenge for the mother of the earth. Global warming, many cities will be flooded, many animals are extinct, then humans aren't going to end it? Worse, scientists have shown that, at least in the center of the earth for the forty km range, there is no suitable for human habitation of the second planets, and

recently I found that our school and community environment is poor, and this is a lot of our random destruction caused by. At this vital moment, we humans can't numb, for their own, in order to other animals. We have to take action to, I suggest everyone to do this some suggestions 1 use of non phosphorus detergent.

2 the recycling of renewable resources.

3 less disposable products, such as disposable chopsticks, cups, bowls, etc..

4 selection of green building materials repair room. 5 the protection of wild animals, wild animals. 6 to promote the purchase of green food.

Let each of us act, to make a new tomorrow! For mother's tomorrow!

亲爱的同学们: 大家好!


但是,人类却是不孝顺的孩子,肆无忌惮地对待自己的母亲。他们砍伐树木,无节制地抢劫有限的矿产资源,让清澈见底的河流鱼虾绝迹,让甜美自然的空气浑浊不堪;但是人类的欲望还不能满足,他们猎杀很多珍稀动物,让动物的皮毛成为大衣,让动物的肉成为食品,让动物的骨骼成为工艺品,我们人类成为动物死亡的的坟墓。 正是人类的无情换来了地球母亲的报复。世界不停地变暖,很多城市将被淹没,很多动物正在灭绝,那么人类难道不会走向末路吗?更糟糕的是,科学家已经证明,至少在以地球为中心的四十万亿千米的范围内,没有适合人类居住的第二个星球,最近我发现我们学校和社区周围环境变差,这很多都是我们随意破坏造成的。在这生死攸关的时刻,我们人类不能麻木,为了自己,也为了其他动物,我们要行动起来,我建议每个人都要做到这几点建议:

1:使用无磷洗涤剂。 2:将再生资源分类回收。

3:少用一次性制品,如:一次性筷子、杯子、碗等。 4:选用环保建材修装居室。 5:保护野生动物,禁食野生动物。 6:提倡选购绿色食品。


