十二星座期待的浪漫情人节What do Twelve Constellation Expect for Romantic Valentine's Day(英语美文)

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十二星座期待的浪漫情人节What do Twelve Constellation Expect for

Romantic Valentine's Day


Does February 14 fill you with feelings of cheer or fear? Each Sun Sign has a different way of responding to this romantic holiday. Find out how your Sign handles this much-anticipated day of flowery poems, chocolate hearts and red roses.二月十四情人节会给你带来什么样的感觉呢?十二星座对这个浪漫的节日都会有不同的反应。你是怎样度过这个节日呢?华丽的诗词、心形巧克力还是火红的玫瑰?Aries: You're determined to receive the most cards, candy and flowers. Who says sending roses to yourself doesn't count?白羊座:期望收到很多卡片、甜Taurus: A bouquet of dandelions, dime store chocolates and dinner at a fast food restaurant? Relax, it was just a bad dream!金牛座:难道仅仅是一束蒲公英,廉价巧克力或者快餐店的一顿晚餐吗?放松点,这只不过是个恶梦。Gemini: You make two dates for the night -- and then backup plans with your friends in case you decide to flake on


your original plans.双子座:你为今晚准备了两个约会,这样万一原定约会泡汤了还可以和朋友一起。Cancer: Ooh, there's nothing like candy heart art and lace doilies to get you going! Martha Stewart's got nothing on you.巨蟹座:没有什么能像心形点心和系着绸带的礼物那样吸引你。但是大款可没准备送给你礼物。Leo: You are displeased by the single red rose some admirer left on your windshield. Clearly you are worth at least a dozen!狮子座:有人悄悄送了一支玫瑰,这让你很是恼火,因为至少该送一打玫瑰啊!Virgo: You refuse to share the box of chocolates you receive -- what if someone fingers them? What if someone sneezes on your roses?处女座:拒绝跟别人分享你收到的巧克力。有人拿手指拨弄怎么办?有人对着你的玫瑰打了个喷嚏怎么办?Libra: You send valentines to everyone you know: your hairdresser, your fourth grade teacher, your manicurist, your manicurist's cousin You don't want anyone to feel left out.天秤座:你给认识的每个人都送去情人节的祝福:你的理发师、你四年级的老师、你的美甲师、美甲师的表弟……你不想让任何人被遗忘。Scorpio: Why go out for a fancy dinner when you already have dessert waiting at home? Who knew that a Cupid costume could be so sexy?天蝎座:与其在家坐等餐后甜点不如出去享受一次奇特的美味。谁能想到丘比特衣服会如此性感呢?Sagittarius: You can't commit to sending a card -- what if the recipient reads too


