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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《八年级下册英语第一__第四单元短语总结》,欢迎阅读!


1.一百年以后in 100 years

2.活到200live to be 200 years old 3.在家学习study at home 4.爱上.... fall in love with sth. 5.养一只宠物鹦鹉keep a pet parrot 6.独居live alone 7.在大学in college 8.太空站space station 9.看上去时髦look smart 10.穿一套衣服wear a suit 11.穿着更随意dress more casually 12.飞向月球fly to the moon 13.世界杯the World Cup

14.公司领导the head of the company 15.实现come true

16.,be able to

17.帮做家务活help with the housework 18.厌倦... get bored (of)

19.未来,将来in the future

20.有自己机器人have one’s own robot 21.数以百计hundreds of 22.就像... 22.just like

23.似乎不可能seem impossible 24.从现在开始from now (on) 25.赢得比赛win the match

26.住在公寓里live in an apartment 27.奥运会Olympic Games 28.打赌bet on

29.纸币paper money 30.信作卡credit card 31.五年前five years ago. 32.一张纸a piece of paper 33.遥远.far away

34.似乎是... it seems that..

35....来说做...是可能的It is possible for sb. to do sth

36.少于less than

37.多于.超过.more than 38.更多的人a lot more people 39.较少的污染less pollution. 40.科幻小说science fiction

41.一本有用的字典a useful dictionary 42.一条污染的河a polluted river

43.令人愉快的一天a pleasant day 44....一样the same ..,as 45.到处.here and there

46.一遍又一遍over and over again 47.尽力做(某事) try to do sth 48.使...... make sb do sth. 第二单元

1. 留在外面,不进人 keep out 2. 打电话给某人call sb.up(ring sb, up) 3. 与..相同the same as 4. ......做好准备be ready for 5. .....作准备 get ready for(to do sth.) 6. 过时的;落伍的 out of style 7. 与某人争吵 argue



argument with

8. ...付款;付钱 pay for 9. 向某人借某物 borrow sth from sb 10. 给某人提建义 give sb. some advice 11. 找出 find out

12. 足够的钱enough money

13. 把作业忘在家里leave my homework at home

14. ...打架 .have a fight with…

15. 找一份兼职工作 get a part-time job 16. ....相处好 get on well with sb 17. 用电话交谈,通过电话on the phone 18. 写信给...... write (a letter)to sb 19. 使...感到惊奇 to one’s surprise 20. 惊奇地 in surprise

21. 对感到惊奇 be surprised (at/that...) 22. 谈论talk about

23. 想要做 want sb to do sth

24. 一张球赛的票a ticket to a ball game 25. 开一个烧烤卖场 have a bake sale 26. ..., 寻求 ask for 27. ...... buy sth. for sb. 28. 加入俱乐部 join a club 29. 找一名家庭教师 get a tutor 30. 邀请...... invite sb to do sth 31. 归还,返还 give back(return) 32. ......到才 not...until 33. 有压力 under pressure

34. 很快吃早餐 have a quick breakfast

35. 各种各样all kinds of 36. 一方面 on the one hand 37. 另一方面on the other hand 38. 在小小年纪 at a young age 39.

....要做 have sth, to do

40. 运动服sports clothes 41. 更友好 more friendly 42. 考试不及格 fail the exam 43. 考试及格 pass the exam 44. 心烦的 be upset 45. ......抱怨

complain about

46. 够忙的 busy enough

47. 当今,现在 these days

48. 找到休闲的方法.find ways to relax 49. 做调查 do a survey 50. 对代,处置 do with

51. 有组织的活动organized activities 52. 独自 by oneself

第三单元 1. in front of 在……的前面(外部) in the

front of 在……的前面(内部) 2. in the library 在图书馆 3. get out of/get into 出……之外/进入 4. sleep late 睡懒觉 sleep well

get to sleep=fall asleep 睡着 5. walk down/along 沿……走 6. take off (飞机)起飞;脱下(衣帽) 7. on Sunday evening 在星期日晚上 8. in the tree在树上 on the tree在树上 9. take photos 照相 10. at the train station 在火车站 11. run away 跑开,逃跑 12. as+adj原形 as 一样 buy/draw/make sth. for sb. 为某人买//制作 13.

walk home 走回家

14. in history

在历史上 15. for example 例如

16. in the city of


17. on the playground 在操场上 18. ten minutes ago


19. take place 发生(强调必然性) 20. happen to sth./sb. 发生(强调偶然性) of course=sure=certainly当然

21.all over the world=around the world 全世界

22.outside/inside the station在车站外/ 23.next to相邻,紧贴

24.be ill in hospital/bed 生病住院/在床 25.hear about/of 听说(间接听到) 26.in silence 沉默不keep silent 保持沉默 27.an unusual experience 次不寻常的经历

28.have meaning to 有意义 29.become the first Chinese astronaut in space 成为中国第一个太空宇航员

30.a national hero 一个民族英雄

31. be famous all over the world 全世界出名 32. for the first time 第一次


1. soap opera 泡沫剧,电视(连续)剧 2. on Friday night 在星期五晚上 3. be mad at ……的气

4. have a surprise party 举行一个惊喜晚会 5. not… anmore 不再,再也不 not… any more no more not… any longer no longer 6. Young Lives 《年轻的生命》 7. direct speech 直接引语 reported speech 间接引语

8. first of all 首先

9. do a homework project 设计作业计划 10. pass on 传递

11. work on 从事,设计,演算,操作 12. be supposed to do sth.

被期望(要求)做……,应该做…… 13. be good at 擅长……

14. do well in ……方面表现得好 15. report card 成绩单

16. have a (bad) cold 患(重)感冒 17. in good health 身体健康 18. end-of-year exams = final exams 期末考试

19. have a big fight 大吵了一架 20. in/at school 在学校,上学 21. forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事

forget doing sth. 忘记做了某事 22. get over 克服,恢复,原谅

23. a poor mountain village 一个贫穷的山村

24. sound like 听起来像

25. the Peking University 北京大学 26. the Ministry of Education 教育

27. the Chinese Young Pioneers 中国少年先锋队

28. China’s rural areas 中国的偏远地区 29. sea level 海平面

30. the thin air 稀薄的空气

31. agree with sb./sth. 同意, ……相符(一致) agree on/about sth. 同意,赞成 32. both…and……………

33. most of… 大多数……,大部分…… 34. open up 打开,展开,开发,揭露 35. a good start 一个良好的开端 36. care for照料,照顾,计较,关心

